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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 37 (December 2005)

February 1, 2006

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 37 (December 2005) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2005 Work
Snip! Snip! The proud vine is pulled off the wall. There, I have cut it down and it won't bother our raspberries again! you say. You must not know brambles. Cutting it down is not enough—we must now get out our shovels and dig out the root or it will grow back.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 3 (October 1999)

April 26, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 3 (October 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 Work
Rosie felt a small smile creep onto her face. Maybe this would be fun after all! She quickly picked up a jar and looked at its dusty bottom. "And we must remember," she said, as most grown-up as she could, "that the king doesn't like one speck of dirt!"
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 8 (August 2000)

August 2, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 8 (August 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 Work
"Push," said Josh. Timothy sighed. He pushed Josh a little bit. "More," said Josh. Then a thought came to Timothy. If he pushed Josh very hard, Josh might get scared. He would cry. He would want to go to Mother. And Timothy could play by himself!