14 items:
March 6, 2004 | ||
Beautiful Girlhood | Mabel Hale, 1922 | Guidance | |
Girlhood is the opening flower of womanhood. It has charms all its own. The wonderful change from the child to the woman, the marvelous blossoming of young, healthy girlhood, will ever be God's great miracle in life's garden. Like a half-open rose is girlhood. |
March 1, 2018 | ||
Finding the Way | James R. Miller, 1904 | Guidance | |
We have the privilege to pray, "Show me the way I should go," and expect to be answered. There will be a Hand extended to guide us, to open the path for us, and to help us over the hard pinches of the road. |
November 6, 2004 | ||
Food for Lambs | Charles E. Orr, 1904 | Guidance | |
Jesus, the true shepherd, came seeking for you, and now that you have given yourself to His loving care, always confide in Him and yield to His guidance. Ever keep your hand in His and follow where He leads, and your life will be full of joy. |
December 1, 2011 | ||
Foundation Truth, Number 29 (Winter 2012) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2011 | Guidance | |
...a man is still a man... still just an earthen vessel.... When God has finished beating the mountains small with a worm, then that worm is still a worm—a worm used of God.... "When the work of the Lord is done right, there is no room for the flesh to glory." |
August 2, 2012 | ||
Foundation Truth, Number 30 (Summer 2012) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2012 | Guidance | |
Oh, that men would put away their childish things! That they would seriously and humbly hunger for truth and spiritual reality! That they would... abhor the deadly simplicity of arranging things as they see best.... Most people are proving they are playing at religion. |
June 1, 2014 | ||
Foundation Truth, Number 33 (Spring 2014) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2014 | Guidance | |
But in all this rejoicing, revealed to our wondering eyes, was a solemn reminder to those brethren of a different dispensation, so long ago, of the absolute need of doing the work of God as He wants it done. |
January 17, 2004 | ||
Helps to Holy Living | Charles E. Orr | Guidance | |
Who among us has an eye to see all that belongs to the Christian life? Are there not yet some glorious things lying out beyond the boundary of our vision? Oh, for the open eye to see the wondrous things God has prepared for them that love Him! |
February 1, 2005 | ||
How to Live a Holy Life | Charles E. Orr, 1912 | Guidance | |
The soul intertwined with the meek and lowly life of Jesus will form a character of deep piety and sincere godliness. The daily life should be intertwined with the life of Jesus. Let there be no reaching out for anything outside of Him. |
July 11, 2004 | ||
Parent and Child | Jacob W. Byers | Guidance | |
Dear parents, we hold the highest and most God-honored position in this world, and to a large extent hold in our hands the destiny of our own children.... Oh, that God may waken us to our important duties and opportunities!... We must grasp them now. |
April 19, 2003 | ||
The Instruction of Youth in the Christian Life | Charles E. Orr | Guidance | |
Years ago men rushed, at the risk of their lives, to the gold fields.... We should lay hold upon all instruction that leads to the knowledge of God with that hunger of soul, with that eagerness... of which men lay hold upon that which leads them to the possession of gold. |
May 1, 2008 | ||
The Rule of a Saintly Life | Charles E. Orr, 1933 | Guidance | |
You are not to do right things because man teaches these things, but because God has written these right things in your heart. If you are not doing them from a righteous principle in your heart, you are not living saintly. |
June 6, 2010 | ||
The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness | Mark P. Spinks, 2010 | Guidance | |
To be the voice of one crying in the wilderness in this way... is to abandon all human planning and direction.... It is to forsake that peculiar fleshly confidence that comes from human reasoning and second-guessing God. |
August 30, 2003 | ||
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 10 (December 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 | Guidance | |
Don't you know that there are lots of times it is hard to be cheerful and kind? It is like a stormy winter day when plants don't want to grow.... But Jesus has a way for us to "sprout" on those stormy winter days. |
September 1, 2017 | ||
Wineskins for New Wine | Tyler A. Schones, 2017 | Guidance | |
God's kingdom isn't outward, so we can't put outward definitions on it.... It's about God moving and working. He's a living, active God. So a certain outward form might have been good for a season, but He might want to change things in the future. |