Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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A True Story in Allegory

November 19, 2002

A True Story in Allegory | Lottie L. Jarvis, 1920 Compromise
Many times had the Apostasy family tried to destroy that most annoying trumpet, but... they had never been able to do aught but, for a season, to in some way deceive the trumpeters, for a short time, into the idea that it was no longer necessary.
God or a System: Which?

July 23, 2005

God or a System: Which? | Lottie L. Jarvis Church
To love God personally and perfectly will produce the most perfect obedience and the most perfect heroism, and the most perfect destiny of which the soul is capable.... to obey Him with supreme personal loyalty, is our only true holiness and service.