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Considering Marriage?

May 2, 2004

Considering Marriage? | Margaretta Kennedy Marriage
Dear young people, let God direct you in choosing a companion. You cannot of yourself choose the right companion. You may think that a certain one is the only one who can give you the love and happiness you desire, but it may be that love will grow cold.
Courtship and Marriage

April 24, 2004

Courtship and Marriage | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 1976 Marriage
Marriage is a lifetime thing.... It should never be entered into thoughtlessly, recklessly, or hastily; but thoughtfully, prayerfully, reverently, discreetly, and in full consideration of the purposes for which God ordained it.
Dear Princess, Number 10 (Summer 1999)

February 7, 2004

Dear Princess, Number 10 (Summer 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 Marriage
I am satisfied that God knew we would not know what we were doing. He meant for us to voluntarily trust Him by turning from our own ideas and opinions and placing our hand in His hand for guidance. He designed the thing so that we would absolutely need a guide.
Divorce and Marriage

January 16, 2005

Divorce and Marriage | James B. Graham, Jr. Marriage
When we viewed the blighting effects of divorce... and became convicted that we and others had spoken all too glibly about "Scriptural grounds for divorce" without any very careful study... we set ourselves to discover the truth.
Divorce and Remarriage

June 29, 2003

Divorce and Remarriage | Richard J. Erickson, 2003 Marriage
In understanding these scriptures, it is important to understand who Paul is addressing, and also when he is giving commands of the Lord, and when he is giving counsel. The context makes so much difference in meaning, whatever the language.
Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships

November 1, 2008

Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships | Mark P. Spinks Marriage
The question naturally arises: What if there is a conflict between the natural (family) relationship and the spiritual relationship to God?... Our relationship to God is more important than anything else.
Perverting the Ways of the Lord

May 15, 2006

Perverting the Ways of the Lord | Mark P. Spinks, 2006 Marriage
The division that is caused by the gospel does not negate the family commitments.... No matter how reprehensibly the other acts, the regenerated child of God should and must be filled with the love of God for their companion.
The One I Love the Most

May 1, 2011

The One I Love the Most | Gladys Cashio Marriage
I wrote three letters to J. D. trying to persuade him to come to me. I received no reply.... Later, I received papers to sign giving him a divorce.... I didn't mind so much by then because I had met Sam, a very nice young man. I fell in love with him.
Wedded Life

February 1, 2016

Wedded Life | James R. Miller, 1882 Marriage
Married life is meant to be the happiest, fullest, purest, richest life. It is God's own ideal of completeness. It was when He saw that it was not good for man to be alone, that woman was made and brought to him to supply what was lacking.