16 items:
September 1, 2007 | ||
A Fallen Church | Charles E. Orr | Compromise | |
It is surpassing strange that one reformation does not profit by the downfall of the preceding ones.... The worldliness they could not once tolerate they are now themselves engaging in. Then the spiritual ones form another movement.... |
March 10, 2005 | ||
A Neighborhood Awakening | Charles E. Orr | Bible/Word | |
Mr. Works—I am satisfied to go on in my way. Mr. Truman—I could have taken my way long ago, but I want to find the Bible way. Mr. Wright—Jesus says, "I am the way." Taking Christ is the only way to heaven. |
March 15, 2004 | ||
A Religious Controversy | Charles E. Orr | Truth | |
Mr. W.—If his Bible says we can live in this world without sin, it's not like mine. Mrs. W.—I'll get your Bible and let you read.... Turn and read Acts 4:12. Mr. W.—Is Acts in the Old Testament or the New? |
June 6, 2004 | ||
Christian Conduct | Charles E. Orr, 1903 | Truth | |
Christianity brings a heaven to the home as well as in the public life. Christianity is Christ in the heart, and where Christ is, there is heaven; consequently a Christian has a heaven within him, and he has this heaven at home as well as abroad. Praise God! |
November 6, 2004 | ||
Food for Lambs | Charles E. Orr, 1904 | Guidance | |
Jesus, the true shepherd, came seeking for you, and now that you have given yourself to His loving care, always confide in Him and yield to His guidance. Ever keep your hand in His and follow where He leads, and your life will be full of joy. |
March 2, 2010 | ||
Having a Spiritual Congregation | Charles E. Orr | Church | |
To make this still plainer and more comprehensive, a preacher is to be so filled with Christ and have the Spirit of discernment that he will never let a soul up from the altar until he knows that soul has been forgiven of God. |
August 1, 2006 | ||
Heavenly Life for Earthly Living | Charles E. Orr | Holiness | |
There are spiritual elevations from which it is our privilege to have a vision of heavenly things.... Man will not live any higher than his vision of life. The more we see of heavenly things, the more heavenly we can live. Oh, let us live in a heavenly place! |
January 17, 2004 | ||
Helps to Holy Living | Charles E. Orr | Holiness | |
Who among us has an eye to see all that belongs to the Christian life? Are there not yet some glorious things lying out beyond the boundary of our vision? Oh, for the open eye to see the wondrous things God has prepared for them that love Him! |
June 1, 2013 | ||
How to Find the Christian Life | Charles E. Orr, 2013 | Salvation | |
Our getting to heaven depends upon the life we live here. If I owned the whole world I would rather lose it all than to miss heaven. But, except we live the true Christian life, this beautiful happy, eternal heaven will never be ours. |
February 1, 2005 | ||
How to Live a Holy Life | Charles E. Orr, 1912 | Holiness | |
The soul intertwined with the meek and lowly life of Jesus will form a character of deep piety and sincere godliness. The daily life should be intertwined with the life of Jesus. Let there be no reaching out for anything outside of Him. |
July 5, 2003 | ||
More Abundant Life | Charles E. Orr, 2014 | Experience | |
The abiding soul is a praying soul. In all abiding in Jesus there is a constant action of the soul, and this action is prayer.... The soul that prays, really prays, abides in a state of quietness, reposing on the bosom of God, and knows no fear, save the fear of God. |
November 9, 2002 | ||
Odors from Golden Vials | Charles E. Orr, 1912 | Prayer | |
Those who have been praying for years and have the closest intimacy with God have a desire to know still more about prayer. How little we yet know of God! It is true that He has taught us many glorious things of Himself... but there is much more to learn. |
October 1, 2017 | ||
Successful Child Training | Charles E. Orr, 1904 | Parenting | |
Here he lies an infant in your arms. He is at your mercy.... You can lead him in the paths of virtue to a generous Christian manhood, or you can neglect him and allow him to go to shame and ruin. Let this thought be impressed deeply upon your consciousness. |
February 15, 2005 | ||
The Hidden Life | Charles E. Orr, 1908 | Experience | |
A walk with God is a satisfactory walk. He who walks with God is delighted all the way.... In God's ways there are no disappointments. When our wills are submitted to Him and we humbly and submissively walk where He leads us, we meet with no disappointments. |
April 19, 2003 | ||
The Instruction of Youth in the Christian Life | Charles E. Orr | Guidance | |
Years ago men rushed, at the risk of their lives, to the gold fields.... We should lay hold upon all instruction that leads to the knowledge of God with that hunger of soul, with that eagerness... of which men lay hold upon that which leads them to the possession of gold. |
May 1, 2008 | ||
The Rule of a Saintly Life | Charles E. Orr, 1933 | Guidance | |
You are not to do right things because man teaches these things, but because God has written these right things in your heart. If you are not doing them from a righteous principle in your heart, you are not living saintly. |