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15 items:

After I Believed

August 1, 2007

After I Believed | Mark P. Spinks Sanctification
I... was not completely satisfied that everything inside where I couldn't see it was just as God wanted it to be. I knew I had not done anything to displease my Lord, but I was also fairly certain that somehow He wanted something about me to be different than it was.
Almost All Are Welcome

September 1, 2011

Almost All Are Welcome | Mark P. Spinks, 2011 Discipline
The decision... had been that he would not be allowed in services from now on. Nothing else had worked. He would not be silenced; he would not voluntarily keep his seat. He had felt obligated to speak of teachings that were condemned by the ministers.
How I Found the Church of God

September 1, 2008

How I Found the Church of God | Mark P. Spinks, 2008 Church
I prayed earnestly that God would direct me where I should live and labor next. I was plainly directed to a certain congregation, and it was in that place that I first plainly and clearly saw the church of God functioning as it should.
How Two Little Boys Stopped Fighting

July 1, 2007

How Two Little Boys Stopped Fighting | Mark P. Spinks, 1999 Salvation
My brother arrived, and I faltered between being fascinated and being enraged. At one point, disgusted by the lack of ability to "play"... and irritated by his crying, I earnestly and sincerely suggested to my parents, "Let's take that baby and throw him in the river!"

November 1, 2011

Ishmael | Mark P. Spinks Idolatry
Our Ishmaels exist because we listen to some voice other than that of the Holy Spirit. Our motives may be pure, and the cause laudable, but we are badly out of our depth when we lean on human wisdom and understanding to attempt the work of God.
Jehoshaphat and Ahab

April 1, 2012

Jehoshaphat and Ahab | Mark P. Spinks, 2006 Compromise
Jehoshaphat got too far from God and too close to Ahab. The same will happen to you and me unless we live continually in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Without His aid... sin does not appear so exceedingly sinful anymore.
Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships

November 1, 2008

Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships | Mark P. Spinks Relationship
The question naturally arises: What if there is a conflict between the natural (family) relationship and the spiritual relationship to God?... Our relationship to God is more important than anything else.
Perverting the Ways of the Lord

May 15, 2006

Perverting the Ways of the Lord | Mark P. Spinks, 2006 Marriage
The division that is caused by the gospel does not negate the family commitments.... No matter how reprehensibly the other acts, the regenerated child of God should and must be filled with the love of God for their companion.
Remembering Christ's Birth

December 1, 2017

Remembering Christ’s Birth | Mark P. Spinks, 2017 Christmas
Each of the characters God used in recording the events around Jesus' birth have their precious story.... God's dealings with each of these Bible figures offers a wealth of insights that He will apply to our own lives if we take the time to study and ponder.
Sorry I Got Caught

August 22, 2010

Sorry I Got Caught | Mark P. Spinks, 2010 Repentance
"What do you have, Mark?... Did you get that in that store?" "No." I was concentrating fiercely on outwitting my watchful, determined Mom—too focused to realize that I was now not only a thief, but a liar, too.
The Extraordinarily Appropriate Gift

March 22, 2003

The Extraordinarily Appropriate Gift | Mark P. Spinks, 2002 Jesus/Savior
We needed someone like this—oh, how we needed and do need Him! He has exactly what we need. He is not too high and beyond our reach, and He is not too low. We needed someone holy who could make us holy and keep us holy.
The Handmaid of the Lord

March 11, 2003

The Handmaid of the Lord | Mark P. Spinks, 1998 Obedience
Now a handmaid's position in life is a very humble position.... they're the folks that are around to do whatever the mistress says to do.... It's not that she does great, big tasks all the time; it's the little things—I'm here; I'm ready for service; I'm at hand.
There Shall Come a Falling Away

December 1, 2009

There Shall Come a Falling Away | Mark P. Spinks, 1997 Compromise
Surely it is worthwhile to carefully review all the evidence that can be accumulated about these spiritual disasters.... God is able to open the eyes of our understanding that we may avoid the same errors where others have made shipwreck.
The Responsibility of My Soul

June 1, 2012

The Responsibility of My Soul | Mark P. Spinks, 2012 Responsibility
Most human beings do not value their soul as they should, but are instead incredibly careless. This neglect of the soul is beyond irresponsible, beyond criminal, beyond comprehension.... So the souls of men become easy pickings for the enemy of mankind.
The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness

June 6, 2010

The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness | Mark P. Spinks, 2010 Ministry
To be the voice of one crying in the wilderness in this way... is to abandon all human planning and direction.... It is to forsake that peculiar fleshly confidence that comes from human reasoning and second-guessing God.