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A Fallen Church

September 1, 2007

A Fallen Church | Charles E. Orr Compromise
It is surpassing strange that one reformation does not profit by the downfall of the preceding ones.... The worldliness they could not once tolerate they are now themselves engaging in. Then the spiritual ones form another movement....
Having a Spiritual Congregation

March 2, 2010

Having a Spiritual Congregation | Charles E. Orr Church
To make this still plainer and more comprehensive, a preacher is to be so filled with Christ and have the Spirit of discernment that he will never let a soul up from the altar until he knows that soul has been forgiven of God.
How to Find the Christian Life

June 1, 2013

How to Find the Christian Life | Charles E. Orr, 2013 Salvation
Our getting to heaven depends upon the life we live here. If I owned the whole world I would rather lose it all than to miss heaven. But, except we live the true Christian life, this beautiful happy, eternal heaven will never be ours.
The Rule of a Saintly Life

May 1, 2008

The Rule of a Saintly Life | Charles E. Orr, 1933 Guidance
You are not to do right things because man teaches these things, but because God has written these right things in your heart. If you are not doing them from a righteous principle in your heart, you are not living saintly.