4 items:
December 1, 2018 | ||
From Immaturity to Maturity | Micah P. Hozen, 2018 | Youth | |
Newborn lambs are totally dependent.... eventually... they'll be mature enough to be fruitful. In the same way, God has planned that immature, newborn baby lambs in His church will grow into mature, productive, fruitful sheep in the pasture of God, in His fold. |
May 1, 2007 | ||
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 42 (Spring 2007) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2007 | Salvation | |
No one looked like the miracle-worker of Joseph's dreams. A man sitting on a table was doing most of the talking. All about trees having fruit and good words coming from a good heart and stuff like that. Joseph was getting restless. Where was Jesus? |
March 11, 2003 | ||
The Handmaid of the Lord | Mark P. Spinks, 1998 | Obedience | |
Now a handmaid's position in life is a very humble position.... they're the folks that are around to do whatever the mistress says to do.... It's not that she does great, big tasks all the time; it's the little things—I'm here; I'm ready for service; I'm at hand. |
November 4, 2003 | ||
Foundation Truth, Number 9 (Autumn 2003) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2003 | Victory | |
"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." Do you believe this? Do you really believe that God is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless? |