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18 items:

Foundation Truth, Number 7 (Autumn 2002)

December 13, 2002

Foundation Truth, Number 7 (Autumn 2002) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2002 Sanctification
Making up your mind and setting your will, in themselves, are necessary to do the works of man; but, if you want to do the works of God, the work of God must be done in you first, in all its completeness.
“At Thy Word, I Will”

August 15, 2016

“At Thy Word, I Will” | James R. Miller, 1904 Obedience
Many people suffer from the ignorance of those whom they trust as guides. But in Jesus Christ we have a Leader who never errs in wisdom. He never gives wrong advice. He is never mistaken in His decision as to what we ought to do.
A True Story in Allegory

November 19, 2002

A True Story in Allegory | Lottie L. Jarvis, 1920 Compromise
Many times had the Apostasy family tried to destroy that most annoying trumpet, but... they had never been able to do aught but, for a season, to in some way deceive the trumpeters, for a short time, into the idea that it was no longer necessary.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 46 (Summer 2008)

August 1, 2008

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 46 (Summer 2008) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2008 Obedience
Mark decided to begin sneaking around at night. No matter how silently he moved in the daylight, someone could still see him. He could be a better sneak in the dark.... He didn't think that God, who records everything we think and do, was watching him.
Courtship and Marriage

April 24, 2004

Courtship and Marriage | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 1976 Marriage
Marriage is a lifetime thing.... It should never be entered into thoughtlessly, recklessly, or hastily; but thoughtfully, prayerfully, reverently, discreetly, and in full consideration of the purposes for which God ordained it.
Wedded Life

February 1, 2016

Wedded Life | James R. Miller, 1882 Marriage
Married life is meant to be the happiest, fullest, purest, richest life. It is God's own ideal of completeness. It was when He saw that it was not good for man to be alone, that woman was made and brought to him to supply what was lacking.
Marks of a Spiritual Mind

April 1, 2013

Marks of a Spiritual Mind | Elmer E. Shelhamer, 1917 Sanctification
Men get different conceptions of what constitutes deep spirituality. And as they see things differently, their lives correspond more or less with their theories. Hence the need of a proper, Scriptural standard.
Foundation Truth, Number 15 (Autumn 2006)

January 1, 2007

Foundation Truth, Number 15 (Autumn 2006) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2006 Abiding
Men have their policies; they learn and adjust. God does not learn; He knows. Men compel obedience for the greater good. God reveals enough truth to those who have ears to hear that a man can work when the Father works.
Foundation Truth, Number 20 (Spring 2008)

June 1, 2008

Foundation Truth, Number 20 (Spring 2008) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2008 Fellowship
Miracles do not proceed from my high ambition to do great work for Jesus. He took the little they had to offer and blessed it and broke it. Blessed and broken. How simple and humble are God's ways of working!
The Responsibility of My Soul

June 1, 2012

The Responsibility of My Soul | Mark P. Spinks, 2012 Responsibility
Most human beings do not value their soul as they should, but are instead incredibly careless. This neglect of the soul is beyond irresponsible, beyond criminal, beyond comprehension.... So the souls of men become easy pickings for the enemy of mankind.
Giving Up the Right to Our Standard of Living

April 1, 2019

Giving Up the Right to Our Standard of Living | Mabel R. Williamson, 1957 Missionary
Most of us like things the way we are used to having them.... What is to be our attitude on the mission field? Are we free to try to have things the way we would like them...? Or ought we to attempt... to conform to the way of life of the people among whom we live?
A Religious Controversy

March 15, 2004

A Religious Controversy | Charles E. Orr Truth
Mr. W.—If his Bible says we can live in this world without sin, it's not like mine.
Mrs. W.—I'll get your Bible and let you read.... Turn and read Acts 4:12.
Mr. W.—Is Acts in the Old Testament or the New?
A Neighborhood Awakening

March 10, 2005

A Neighborhood Awakening | Charles E. Orr Bible/Word
Mr. Works—I am satisfied to go on in my way.
Mr. Truman—I could have taken my way long ago, but I want to find the Bible way.
Mr. Wright—Jesus says, "I am the way." Taking Christ is the only way to heaven.
How Two Little Boys Stopped Fighting

July 1, 2007

How Two Little Boys Stopped Fighting | Mark P. Spinks, 1999 Salvation
My brother arrived, and I faltered between being fascinated and being enraged. At one point, disgusted by the lack of ability to "play"... and irritated by his crying, I earnestly and sincerely suggested to my parents, "Let's take that baby and throw him in the river!"
Paula the Waldensian

January 5, 2004

Paula the Waldensian | Eva Lecomte, 1940 Story
My father looked at her searchingly, with that new tenderness which I had seen frequently lately.... "I believe," said Rosa, "that she'd be happy to give us her last piece of bread if there was occasion for it." "Yes, and her life also, if that was necessary."
Riches of Grace

November 22, 2004

Riches of Grace | Enoch E. Byrum, 1918 Story
My heart cries out, "What a mighty God! What a great and loving Father!" Counting my blessings, I find they so far outnumber my trials that it brings me real courage to press on, knowing that, as I do, grace will be given me to meet whatever may yet lie in my pathway.
Birth of a Reformation

August 27, 2004

Birth of a Reformation | Andrew L. Byers, 1921 Biography
My mother had been reading The Trumpet and had formed the opinion of Brother Warner that he was a great and wonderful man. So when she met him she exclaimed, "And is this Brother Warner!" His reply was, "Yes, and he is the least man you ever saw."
Homeless at Christmas

December 15, 2016

Homeless at Christmas | Jon Kropf, 2016 Christmas
My nervous mind immediately thought of our car. Had I locked the door?... It's not that I begrudge homeless people of a warm house or good food, but I suspect that they choose their lifestyle and somehow want to be unclean.