Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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January 1, 2015

Himself | Albert B. Simpson, 1891 Jesus/Savior
That is the way to look at the Scriptures and understand the thoughts of God—to see in them the face of Love, shining through and through. Not ideas, nor doctrines, but Jesus Himself as the Life and Source and sustaining Presence of all our life.
Heavenly Wisdom in Saving Souls

October 1, 2016

Heavenly Wisdom in Saving Souls | Daniel S. Warner, 1887 Wisdom
The best convincer that we are "the seed which the Lord hath blessed" is the actual fruit of salvation, the real deliverance of men from the power of sin, and the manifestation of the virtues of a holy life. Aim directly at getting men and women saved.
Holy Spirit Obedience

February 1, 2013

Holy Spirit Obedience | Tyler A. Schones, 2012 Holy Spirit
The burden of this message is to express the... necessity of the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring about this type of obedience that Jesus came to produce in us, and a solemn warning against any attempt of the flesh to fulfill this calling.
Almost All Are Welcome

September 1, 2011

Almost All Are Welcome | Mark P. Spinks, 2011 Discipline
The decision... had been that he would not be allowed in services from now on. Nothing else had worked. He would not be silenced; he would not voluntarily keep his seat. He had felt obligated to speak of teachings that were condemned by the ministers.
Into the Deep

January 1, 2014

Into the Deep | George D. Watson, 1896 Experience
The depth into which we launch will depend upon how perfectly we have given up the shore, and the greatness of our need, and the vision of our possibilities. The fish were to be found in the deep.... So with us; our needs are to be met in the deep things of God.
Perverting the Ways of the Lord

May 15, 2006

Perverting the Ways of the Lord | Mark P. Spinks, 2006 Marriage
The division that is caused by the gospel does not negate the family commitments.... No matter how reprehensibly the other acts, the regenerated child of God should and must be filled with the love of God for their companion.
Discerning the Lord's Body

December 1, 2012

Discerning the Lord’s Body | Harlan D. Sorrell, 2011 Church
The essence of Christ's true body is directly related to spiritual status, and spiritual meat and drink. Let us now examine the Word of God and examine our own selves to see if we discern the Lord's body and if we are really a part of it.
Renewed Day by Day

July 1, 2011

Renewed Day by Day | George Muller, 1841 Bible/Word
The first thing to be concerned about is not how much I might serve the Lord, or how I might glorify the Lord; but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished.
Traits of the Carnal Mind

July 1, 2009

Traits of the Carnal Mind | Elmer E. Shelhamer Carnality
The following are some of the symptoms of carnality. Reader, the Holy Spirit alone can interpret and apply this tract to your individual case. As you read, examine yourself, as if in the presence of God.
Obedience That Pleases Christ

August 1, 2019

Obedience That Pleases Christ | James R. Miller, 1905 Obedience
The most triumphant word anyone can say at the end of his life is, "I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." And it is the only way to receive the approving verdict, "Well done, good and faithful servant... enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships

November 1, 2008

Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships | Mark P. Spinks Relationship
The question naturally arises: What if there is a conflict between the natural (family) relationship and the spiritual relationship to God?... Our relationship to God is more important than anything else.
How to Die to Self

December 1, 2014

How to Die to Self | George D. Watson, 1898 Crucifixion
There are many manifestations of the self life which are not clearly sinful, but neither are they truly Christlike. ...this middle zone of self activity... must be... crucified in order to reach deep abiding union with God, where there is none of self and all of Christ Jesus.
Over-Waiting for God

March 1, 2019

Over-Waiting for God | James R. Miller, 1896 Warning
There are times when closet prayer is not the duty of the hour.... We may think we are honoring God by waiting... but really we are dishonoring Him by lack of present faith and ready obedience. Blessing... cannot be given to us until we go forth to get it.
Go Forward

January 1, 2019

Go Forward | James R. Miller, 1908 Growth
There is always danger that we become contented with our routine, and indisposed to go beyond it.... But, besides this monotonous round... there should always be something larger going on. "You have gone around this mountain long enough: turn northward."
Preparation for Trial

November 1, 2015

Preparation for Trial | James R. Miller, 1885 Trials
There is a wide difference between being anxious about coming troubles and being prepared beforehand for troubles that may come.... Those only can truly live in quiet peace... who have already made preparation for anything that may come to them.
Little Things

May 1, 2014

Little Things | George D. Watson, 1896 Humility
There is no better way in the world to test every trait in a soul than by little things.... It is our unplanned, instinctive actions and words that reveal what we really are, not those large, conspicuous things for which we especially arm ourselves.
Musical Instruments and Worship

June 28, 2003

Musical Instruments and Worship | Archie Souder Worship
This subject of music in the church is surely a spiritual subject. Now, dear reader, get your Bible out before you read any farther, as this question can only be answered by the Word of God. I am going to deal wholly with God's Word.
The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness

June 6, 2010

The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness | Mark P. Spinks, 2010 Ministry
To be the voice of one crying in the wilderness in this way... is to abandon all human planning and direction.... It is to forsake that peculiar fleshly confidence that comes from human reasoning and second-guessing God.
God or a System: Which?

July 23, 2005

God or a System: Which? | Lottie L. Jarvis Church
To love God personally and perfectly will produce the most perfect obedience and the most perfect heroism, and the most perfect destiny of which the soul is capable.... to obey Him with supreme personal loyalty, is our only true holiness and service.
Having a Spiritual Congregation

March 2, 2010

Having a Spiritual Congregation | Charles E. Orr Church
To make this still plainer and more comprehensive, a preacher is to be so filled with Christ and have the Spirit of discernment that he will never let a soul up from the altar until he knows that soul has been forgiven of God.
The Blessing of Weakness

March 15, 2016

The Blessing of Weakness | James R. Miller, 1894 Weakness
Too many people think their weakness is a barrier to their usefulness, or make it an excuse for doing little with their life. Instead of this, however, if we give it to Christ, He will transform it into strength.
Take Time

August 1, 2014

Take Time | George D. Watson, 1898 Carefulness
To rush forward in our thinking, speaking, and doing, demonstrates a lack of faith in God, and how little we perceive His presence and dominion over all things. It is true in a thousand different things that "he that believeth shall not make haste."
Walk in Love

October 1, 2014

Walk in Love | George D. Watson, 1894 Love
To walk in love—to speak, to act, to purpose, with the love of God pervading our every movement—is the best and sublimest form of existence. To do this there must be a thorough abandonment of self-will, self-opinion, and self-desire.
The Travail of Zion

July 1, 2015

The Travail of Zion | Beverly Carradine, 1910 Salvation
Travail is one of the sharpest pains known in the physical realm.... [God] applies it to the church, and says that such a suffering, burden, and agonizing cry must come on His people, before sons and daughters are born unto Him.