Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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141 items:

A Beautiful Life | William M. Golden A Beautiful Life | William M. Golden, 1918 Experience
Each day I'll do a golden deed, / By helping those who are in need; …
A Child of God | Barney E. Warren A Child of God | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Experience
Praise the Lord! my heart with His love is beaming, / I am a child of God; …
All in Jesus | Barney E. Warren All in Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Experience
There is peace and joy in the Lord today, / More than all in this world of sin; …
A Miracle of Saving Grace | Lelia N. Morris A Miracle of Saving Grace | Lelia N. Morris, 1899 Experience
A miracle of saving grace / The Savior wrought in me, …
A New Creature | Lloyd O. Sanderson A New Creature | Thomas O. Chisholm, 1935 Experience
Buried with Christ, my blessed Redeemer, / Dead to the old life of folly and sin; …
A Sinner Like Me | Charles J. Butler A Sinner Like Me | Charles J. Butler, 1881 Experience
I was once far away from the Savior, / As vile as a sinner could be, …
At the Cross of Jesus Bowing | Daniel O. Teasley At the Cross of Jesus Bowing | Daniel O. Teasley, 1905 Experience
At the cross of Jesus bowing, / Here I find a safe retreat …
Blessed Sunshine | M. L. McPhail Blessed Sunshine | Kate Ulmer, 1900 Experience
At the cross I found my Savior, / There my heart was satisfied; …
Christ Is Mine | Clarence E. Hunter Christ Is Mine | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Experience
Christ is mine, my heart's dear treasure, / Greater than all earthly store, …
Christ Liveth in Me | James McGranahan Christ Liveth in Me | Daniel W. Whittle, 1891 Experience
Once far from God and dead in sin, / No light my heart could see; …
Climbing Up the Golden Stair | Emma M. Booth-Tucker Climbing Up the Golden Stair | Emma M. Booth-Tucker, 1893 Experience
Oh, my heart is full of music and of gladness, / As on wings of love and faith I upward fly; …
Nettleton | Asahel Nettleton Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing | Robert Robinson, 1758 Experience
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, / Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; …
Complete in Christ | Samuel L. Speck Complete in Christ | Samuel L. Speck, 1897 Experience
In Jesus Christ I am complete, / My soul is cleansed from sin; …
Crown After Cross | Barney E. Warren Light After Darkness | Ira D. Sankey Crown After Cross | Frances R. Havergal, 1879 Experience
Light after darkness, gain after loss, / Strength after weakness, crown after cross; …
Crucified with Christ My Savior | Margaret M. Simpson Crucified with Christ My Savior | Albert B. Simpson, 1904 Experience
Crucified with Christ my Savior, / To the world and self and sin; …
Rest (Maker) | Frederick C. Maker Dear Lord and Father of Mankind | John G. Whittier, 1872 Experience
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, / Forgive our foolish ways; …
Deeper and Deeper | Osward J. Smith Deeper and Deeper | Oswald J. Smith, 1914 Experience
Into the heart of Jesus / Deeper and deeper I go, …
Dwelling in Beulah Land | Charles A. Miles Dwelling in Beulah Land | Charles A. Miles, 1911 Experience
Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling; / Then I know the sins of earth beset on every hand; …
Dwelling in the Land | Joel A. Erickson Dwelling in the Land | Joel A. Erickson, 2005 Experience
Long lone years I lived in sin, / Wretched slave I was within; …
Farewell to Sin | Barney E. Warren Farewell to Sin | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
I will part with thee, old master; / This is my firm resolve; …
Jordan | Joel A. Erickson Far, Far on the Other Side | Paul Rader, 1918 Experience
I've entered the land dearly bought by His blood, / Passed over Jordan, surrendered to God; …
Fully Saved Today | Clarence E. Hunter Fully Saved Today | William J. Henry, 1900 Experience
I am fully saved today, / All my guilt is washed away, …
Glories of Christ | Anonymous/Unknown Glories of Christ | Thomas H. Nelson, 1899 Experience
When I gave all to Jesus, / He gave Himself to me, …
Glorious Freedom | Alfred Judson Glorious Freedom | Haldor Lillenas, 1917 Experience
Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters, / Chained like a slave, I struggled in vain; …
God Answered Prayer for Me | Ulysses Phillips God Answered Prayer for Me | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Experience
I cried to God for mercy, / When I was lost in sin; …
God Made a Way | Joel A. Erickson God Made a Way | Joel A. Erickson, 2004 Experience
This wanton world in grossest error / Is hast'ning toward the judgment morning; …
Gone from My Heart (2) | Stephen C. Foster Gone Are the Days | Herbert H. Booth, 1900 Experience
Gone are the days of wretchedness and sin, / Gone are the days of conflicts fierce within, …
Goodbye, Old World, I'm Through | Herbert Buffum Goodbye, Old World, I’m Through | Herbert Buffum, 1924 Experience
I one time lived in sin and did not know my Lord; / With all the worldly things my heart was in accord; …
Skipanon | Joel A. Erickson Happy Pilgrim Band | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Experience
We're a happy pilgrim band, / Dwelling in the holy land, …
Sunlight (Cook) | George C. Cook Heavenly Sunlight | Henry J. Zelley, 1899 Experience
Walking in sunlight all of my journey, / Over the mountains, through the deep vale; …
He Brought Me Out | Henry L. Gilmour He Brought Me Out | Henry J. Zelley, 1898 Experience
My heart was distressed 'neath Jehovah's dread frown, / And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down; …
He Is Everything to Me | Barney Rouse He Is Everything to Me | Barney Rouse, 1960 Experience
When I was in trouble, my way was dark as night, / But Jesus gave me comfort, and brought me to the light; …
Precious to Me | Charles H. Gabriel He Is So Precious to Me | Charles H. Gabriel, 1902 Experience
So precious is Jesus, my Savior, my King; / His praise all the day long with rapture I sing; …
He Ransomed Me | J. W. Henderson He Ransomed Me | Julia H. Johnston, 1916 Experience
There's a sweet and blessed story / Of the Christ who came from glory, …
Phuket | George C. Stebbins His Praises I Will Sing | Jonathan B. Atchinson, 1891 Experience
I've learned to sing a glad new song / Of praise unto our King! …
His Yoke Is Easy | Barney E. Warren His Yoke Is Easy | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
I've found my Lord and He is mine, / He won me by His love; …
How Precious the Fountain | Andrew L. Byers How Precious the Fountain | Luella B. Henry, 1888 Experience
Oh, sweet is the rest on my dear Savior's breast! / How free from all sorrow and sin! …
How Sweet Is My Walk with Jesus | Barney E. Warren How Sweet Is My Walk with Jesus | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
How sweet is my walk with Jesus! / What blessings He breathes on me! …
I Am a Child of the King | Barney E. Warren I Am a Child of the King | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
Oh, how sublime is the life of the Christian, / Filled with the glory of Jesus divine; …
I Am Happy in Him | Edwin O. Excell I Am Happy in Him | Edwin O. Excell, 1902 Experience
My soul is so happy in Jesus, / For He is so precious to me; …
I Am Saved Today | George W. McMillan I Am Saved Today | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Experience
I am free from condemnation since the Lord has made me whole, / I have ceased from my repining since He filled with joy my soul; …
I Have Left All the World to Follow Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley I Have Left All the World to Follow Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley, 1911 Experience
In this world I found no rest, / Sorrow filled my aching breast, …
Vox Dilecti | John B. Dykes I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say | Horatius Bonar, 1846 Experience
I heard the voice of Jesus say, / "Come unto Me and rest; …
I Know | Andrew L. Byers I Know | Charles W. Naylor, 1919 Experience
I know on Whom my faith is fixed, / I know in Whom I trust; …
I Know in My Heart What It Means | Daniel O. Teasley I Know in My Heart What It Means | Daniel O. Teasley, 1922 Experience
When I read how my Savior was nailed to the cross, / For the sins of the world to atone, …
I Know My Jesus Saves Me | Joseph C. Fisher I Know My Jesus Saves Me | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Experience
I know my Jesus saves me, / He healed my sin-sick soul; …
I'll Never Go Back | Barney E. Warren I’ll Never Go Back | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Experience
I once was in bondage in Egypt's dark night, / But Jesus has brought me out into the light; …
Gone from My Heart | Stephen C. Foster I Love Him | Anonymous/Unknown, 1908 Experience
Gone from my heart the world and all its charms; / Now through the blood I'm saved from all alarms; …
I'm Healed | Daniel O. Teasley I’m Healed | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Experience
I'm healed, oh, hallelujah! / By faith in God alone; …
I'm Sitting with Jesus | Barney E. Warren I’m Sitting with Jesus | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Experience
When lost in the darkness of guilt and despair, / Sore cankered in heart by the sin that was there, …
In the Heart of My God | Allie R. Fisher In the Heart of My God | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Experience
Sweetly whispered the Lord in my mind, / "There's a peaceful abode you may find!" …
In the Light of God | Joshua A. Knight In the Light of God | Daniel S. Warner, 1887 Experience
Along a dark and gloomy path / I groped beneath the shades of death; …
In the Service of the King | Bentley D. Ackley In the Service of the King | Alfred H. Ackley, 1912 Experience
I am happy in the service of the King, / I am happy, oh, so happy; …
In the Sunlight of His Love | Edmund S. Lorenz In the Sunlight of His Love | Frances J. Crosby, 1895 Experience
Oh, my heart is full of gladness, and I cannot help but sing, / I am trusting all to Jesus, to His cross alone I cling; …
It Is Mine | William E. Marks It Is Mine | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1902 Experience
God's abiding peace is in my soul today, / Yes, I feel it now, yes, I feel it now; …
It Is True Within My Heart | Barney E. Warren It Is True Within My Heart | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Experience
I have read within the Bible / How a sinner vile and low, …
It Is Truly Wonderful | Barney E. Warren It Is Truly Wonderful | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Experience
He pardoned my transgressions, / He sanctified my soul; …
It Pays to Serve Jesus | Frank C. Huston It Pays to Serve Jesus | Frank C. Huston, 1909 Experience
The service of Jesus true pleasure affords, / In Him there is joy without an alloy; …
It's Real | Homer L. Cox It’s Real | Homer L. Cox, 1907 Experience
Oh, how well do I remember how I doubted day by day, / For I did not know for certain that my sins were washed away; …
I've Found It, Lord, in Thee | Barney E. Warren I’ve Found It, Lord, in Thee | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
My soul in trouble roamed / Upon a weary plain, …
I've Moved | Joseph L. Hall I’ve Moved | James B. Mackay, 1921 Experience
I was living down in Egypt, / Afar from Canaan land, …
I've Pitched My Tent in Beulah | Margaret J. Harris I’ve Pitched My Tent in Beulah | Margaret J. Harris, 1908 Experience
I long ago left Egypt for the promised land, / I trusted in my Savior, and to His guiding hand; …
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Peter P. Bilhorn I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Francis H. Rowley, 1886 Experience
I will sing the wondrous story / Of the Christ Who died for me; …
I Will Tell the Wondrous Story | Joseph C. Fisher I Will Tell the Wondrous Story | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Experience
I am free, the Lord hath saved me, / I was burdened with my sin; …
Tranquility | James Mountain Jesus, I Am Resting | Jean S. Pigott, 1876 Experience
Jesus, I am resting, resting, / In the joy of what Thou art; …
Lundie | Theodore E. Perkins Jesus Is Mine | Jane C. Bonar, 1843 Experience
Fade, fade, each earthly joy, / Jesus is mine! …
Jesus Is Real to Me | George H. Carr Jesus Is Real to Me | George H. Carr, 1915 Experience
Though life's changing values may vanish away, / And things that were real become dreams; …
Jesus, My All | William J. Kirkpatrick Jesus, My All | George D. Watson, 1885 Experience
My heart sings a song from morning till night, / A song full of liberty, love, and of light, …
Learning of My Savior | Andrew L. Byers Learning of My Savior | Georgia C. Elliott, 1893 Experience
I am learning of my Savior / Precious lessons every hour, …
Sandringham (2) | Joseph Barnby Life Out of Death | Anonymous/Unknown Experience
Life out of death—dear Master, is it spoken / Of the life here, or in the better land? …
Like Jesus (Naylor) | Barney E. Warren Like Jesus (Naylor) | Charles W. Naylor, 1903 Experience
I love to think of Jesus, when He was here on earth / Upon a kingly mission, though of such humble birth; …
Like Jesus (Ulmer) | Oran Williams Like Jesus (Ulmer) | Kate Ulmer, 1899 Experience
I want to be like Jesus, / I want to heed His Word, …
Living in the Sunshine | Charles H. Gabriel Living in the Sunshine | Ada J. Blenkhorn, 1895 Experience
Living in the sunshine, / Living in the light, …
Living Where the Healing Waters Flow | Peter P. Bilhorn Living Where the Healing Waters Flow | Ina D. Ogdon, 1901 Experience
I've cast my heavy burdens down on Canaan's happy shore, / I'm living where the healing waters flow; …
Looking for Me | William J. Kirkpatrick Looking for Me | Anna C. Storey, 1887 Experience
I was a captive, but mercy released me, / I was in darkness, but now I can see; …
My Anchor Holds | Daniel B. Towner My Anchor Holds | William C. Martin, 1902 Experience
Though the angry surges roll / On my tempest-driven soul, …
Landås (2) | André E. M. Grétry My Faith Has Found a Resting Place | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1891 Experience
My faith has found a resting place, / Not in device or creed; …
My Shepherd | Ernest E. Chute My Shepherd | Carlos A. Plummer, 1907 Experience
Jesus is my Shepherd, nothing shall I need; / In the green, sweet pastures He doth ever lead, …
My Soul Is Filled with Glory | John M. Harris My Soul Is Filled with Glory | John M. Harris, 1905 Experience
Jesus found me when afar I wandered, / Brought me pardon from the throne above, …
My Surrender | G. E. Wright My Surrender | Gertrude E. Worthington, 1949 Experience
I have given up all to my Savior so dear, / And His praises I ever will sing; …
My Treasures | Barney E. Warren My Treasures | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Experience
I have a treasure in my heart / More precious far than gold; …
Oh, Say, but I'm Glad | Mildred E. Sullivan Oh, Say, but I’m Glad | James P. Sullivan, 1930 Experience
There is a song in my heart today, / Something I never had; …
Salvationist (2) | William S. Hays Oh, the Glory! | Anonymous/Unknown Experience
How I wish I could tell it, what Jesus did for me, / And what He still is doing every day; …
Oh, 'Tis Wonderful! | Francis A. Blackmer Oh, ’Tis Wonderful! | I. I. Leslie, 1884 Experience
When I was far away and lost, / Oh, 'tis wonderful! …
Unser Herrscher | Joachim Neader Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty | Benjamin Schmolck, 1730 Experience
Open now thy gates of beauty, / Zion, let me enter there, …
Praise the Lord, My Soul Is Free | Barney E. Warren Praise the Lord, My Soul Is Free | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Experience
Praise the Lord, my soul is free, / I enjoy sweet liberty: …
Redeemed | William J. Kirkpatrick Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! | Frances J. Crosby, 1882 Experience
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! / Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; …
Resurrection Glory | Silas S. Martin Resurrection Glory | Silas S. Martin, 1985 Experience
Resurrection pow'r and glory / From the God who made the sky, …
Running Over with Joy | Joel A. Erickson Running Over with Joy | Joel A. Erickson, 2005 Experience
I was bound by sin and evil / From which there seemed no retrieval— …
Saved! | H. E. Bright Saved! | H. E. Bright, 1913 Experience
Jesus my Savior came to save me / When I was wand'ring out in the night; …
Saved by Grace | George C. Stebbins Saved by Grace | Frances J. Crosby, 1891 Experience
Someday the silver cord will break, / And I no more as now shall sing; …
Rapture (Scholfield) | Jack P. Scholfield Saved, Saved | Jack P. Scholfield, 1911 Experience
I've found a Friend, who is all to me, / His love is ever true; …
Saved Tonight | S. S. Plank Saved Tonight | C. H. Dewey, 1907 Experience
"Saved tonight, O blessed Jesus!" / Thus my soul in rapture sings; …
Since I Am Sanctified | Clarence E. Hunter Since I Am Sanctified | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Experience
The Comforter abides within, / Since I am sanctified; …
Since I've Learned to Trust Him More | Francis A. Blackmer Since I’ve Learned to Trust Him More | Francis A. Blackmer, 1884 Experience
Once I thought I walked with Jesus, / Yet such changeful feelings had, …
Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry, 1936 Experience
I'm walking each day by the side of my Lord; / I'm living each hour by faith in His word; …
Since Jesus Put the Glory in My Soul | Andrew L. Byers Since Jesus Put the Glory in My Soul | Charles W. Naylor, 1923 Experience
All my darkness Christ has scattered, brought a glorious dawn, / There is sunshine on my pathway since my burden's gone; …
Since the Fullness of His Love Came In | Bentley D. Ackley Since the Fullness of His Love Came In | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1916 Experience
Once my way was dark and dreary, / For my heart was full of sin, …
Sunlight | Winfield S. Weeden Sunlight | Judson W. Van DeVenter, 1897 Experience
I wandered in the shades of night, / Till Jesus came to me, …
Sunshine | John R. Sweney Sunshine in My Soul | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1887 Experience
There is sunshine in my soul today, / More glorious and bright …
Sweeter as the Years Go By | Lelia N. Morris Sweeter as the Years Go By | Lelia N. Morris, 1912 Experience
Of Jesus' love that sought me, when I was lost in sin; / Of wondrous grace that brought me back to His fold again; …
Sweet Fellowship | Clarence E. Hunter Sweet Fellowship | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Experience
Sweet fellowship unites our souls as one, / It is the bliss of heaven now begun; …
Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley, 1918 Experience
I'm happy in Jesus and tell it I must, / For He has redeemed me, I know; …
The Backslider | Andrew L. Byers The Backslider | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Experience
Sad and lonely, weak and weary, / Down life's rugged path I roam; …
The Beautiful Light | John R. Sweney The Beautiful Light | Russell K. Carter, 1887 Experience
Jesus is the light, the way, / We are walking in the light, …
The Daily Cross | E. Burgess The Daily Cross | B. P. H. Experience
Lord, day by day I view Thy wondrous cross / On Calvary! …
The Great Redeemer | Samuel W. Beazley The Great Redeemer | Francis Foster, 1915 Experience
How I love the great Redeemer / Who is doing so much for me; …
The Half Not Told | Ralph E. Hudson The Half Has Never Yet Been Told | Frances R. Havergal, 1878 Experience
I know I love Thee better, Lord / Than any earthly joy: …
The Hallowed Spot | Anonymous/Unknown The Hallowed Spot | William Hunter, 1845 Experience
There is a spot to me more dear / Than native vale or mountain; …
The Healing Waters | Leander L. Pickett The Healing Waters | H. H. Heimar, 1900 Experience
Oh, the joy of sins forgiv'n, / Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know, …
The Highway of the King | William J. Henry The Highway of the King | William J. Henry, 1907 Experience
We're a band of happy pilgrims bound for our home above, / Walking in the highway of the King; …
The Holy Remnant | Mrs. M. J. Groves The Holy Remnant | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
Are you of the holy remnant, / Gathered to the King of Peace? …
The Joy of the Lord | Albert B. Simpson The Joy of the Lord | Albert B. Simpson, 1890 Experience
The joy of the Lord is the strength of His people, / The sunshine that scatters their sadness and gloom; …
The Love That Gave Jesus to Die | James McGranahan The Love That Gave Jesus to Die | Daniel W. Whittle, 1887 Experience
Let us sing of the love of the Lord, / As now to the cross we draw nigh; …
The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris, 1908 Experience
I believe in the old-time religion, / For it saves from all sin here below, …
The Pathway of the Just | Barney E. Warren The Pathway of the Just | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Experience
There are beams of brilliant sunlight along the holy way, / Where the weary pilgrims travel in the dust; …
The Prince of My Peace | William G. Fischer The Prince of My Peace | Wilbur F. Crafts, 1873 Experience
I stand all bewildered with wonder / And gaze on the ocean of love, …
The Prodigal's Return | Joseph C. Fisher The Prodigal’s Return | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Experience
Oh, how weary and sad is my aching heart today, / As I languish alone to die! …
The Sea of Glass | Barney E. Warren The Sea of Glass | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Experience
We stand upon the sea of glass, / That's mingled with Jehovah's fire; …
The Temple of God | Barney E. Warren The Temple of God | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
Not in the temples made with hands, / Though beautiful by art, …
The Victory in Trial | Barney E. Warren The Victory in Trial | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Experience
Praise God for His grace bestowed upon me, / How sad was the state I was in! …
The Wonderful Change | Barney E. Warren The Wonderful Change | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Experience
All weights are gone, my heart is light, / My scarlet robes are changed to white; …
The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel, 1897 Experience
Oh, sweet is the story of Jesus, / The wonderful Savior of men, …
This Is Like Heaven to Me | J. E. French This Is Like Heaven to Me | J. E. French, 1903 Experience
We find many people who can't understand / Why we are so happy and free: …
This Is Why I Love My Savior | Barney E. Warren This Is Why I Love My Savior | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
Shall I tell you why I ceased from folly? / Why I turned away from sin? …
This New and Living Way | Harlan D. Sorrell This New and Living Way | Harlan D. Sorrell Experience
There's a new and living way / Opened in the Lord today— …
St. Petersburg | Dmitri S. Bortnianski Thou Hidden Love of God | Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729 Experience
Thou hidden Love of God, whose height, / Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, …
'Tis Better Felt than Told | H. R. Jeffrey ’Tis Better Felt than Told | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Experience
Blest was the hour that heav'nly fire / Lit up my darkened soul; …
'Tis Good to Live in Canaan | Lelia N. Morris ’Tis Good to Live in Canaan | Lelia N. Morris, 1910 Experience
I heard God's voice commanding, "Go up, the land possess," / And trusting in His grace I followed on; …
'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris ’Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris, 1919 Experience
The Savior has come in His mighty pow'r, / And spoken peace to my soul; …
Trust in Jesus | William J. Kirkpatrick ’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus | Louisa M. R. Stead, 1882 Experience
'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, / Just to take Him at His Word; …
Trusting in Jesus, My Savior and Friend | Barney E. Warren Trusting in Jesus, My Savior and Friend | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
Trusting in Jesus, my Savior and Friend, / Upward to heaven my praises ascend; …
Under His Wings (Cushing) | Ira D. Sankey Under His Wings (Cushing) | William Cushing, 1896 Experience
Under His wings I am safely abiding; / Though the night deepens and tempests are wild, …
Vale of Eden | Barney E. Warren Vale of Eden | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Experience
Sweet vale of Eden, soul-rest forever, / Gladly we come unto thee; …
We Will Follow | Uriah E. Hallman We Will Follow | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
We'll follow the Lord all the way, / And close to our Shepherd we'll stay; …
What Hath the Lord Done for Thee? | Barney E. Warren What Hath the Lord Done for Thee? | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Experience
What hath the Lord done for thee? / I was laden with sin when I came unto Him, …
What I've Found in Jesus | Barney E. Warren What I’ve Found in Jesus | Otto Bolds, 1904 Experience
In the arms of my dear Savior I am resting every day, / And His smiles like sunbeams fall upon my face; …
When My Savior Reached Down for Me | G. E. Wright When My Savior Reached Down for Me | G. E. Wright, 1920 Experience
Once my soul was astray from the heavenly way, / And was wretched and vile as could be; …
Where Jesus Is, 'Tis Heaven | James M. Black Where Jesus Is, ’Tis Heaven | Charles J. Butler, 1898 Experience
Since Christ my soul from sin set free, / This world has been a Heav'n to me; …
Wonderful Savior (Harris) | John M. Harris Wonderful Savior (Harris) | John M. Harris, 1905 Experience
Jesus, my king, my wonderful Savior, / All of my life is given to Thee; …
Yes, I Know! | Anna W. Waterman Yes, I Know! (2) | Anna W. Waterman Yes, I Know! | Anna W. Waterman, 1920 Experience
Come, ye sinners, lost and hopeless, / Jesus' blood can make you free; …