Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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308 items:

Take Me as I Am | John H. Stockton Take Me as I Am | Eliza H. Hamilton, 1878 Supplication
Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry; / Unless Thou help me, I must die, …
Hendon | Henri A. C. Malan Take My Life and Let It Be | Frances R. Havergal, 1874 Consecration
Take my life and let it be / Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. …
Holiness (Stebbins) | George C. Stebbins Take Time to Be Holy | William D. Longstaff, 1882 Holiness
Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord; / Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word. …
Take Up Thy Cross and Follow Me | Alfred H. Ackley Take Up Thy Cross and Follow Me | Alfred H. Ackley, 1922 Consecration
I walked one day along a country road, / And there a stranger journeyed too, …
Take Up Your Bed and Walk | George W. McMillan Take Up Your Bed and Walk | George W. McMillan, 1987 Healing
O ye sick and helpless souls, Jesus speaks to you, / If you wish to be made whole, He tells you what to do— …
Tangles | Anonymous/Unknown Tangles | Anonymous/Unknown Sin
Tangles, tangles, tangles I was in; / I was born in Tangle Town because of Adam's sin; …
Harre, meine Seele, harre des Herrn | Henri A. C. Malan Tarry, O My Spirit | J. F. Raeder Encouragement
Tarry, O my spirit, / Tarry with God! …
Tarry with Me | Joseph C. Fisher Tarry with Me | Silas G. Odell, 1885 Meditation
Now the shadows slowly lengthen, / Soon the evening time will come; …
Camacha | Benjamin M. Ramsey Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord | Benjamin M. Ramsey, 1919 Guidance
Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy way! / Thy guiding grace afford, teach me Thy way! …
Tell It Again | Amanda L. Speck Tell It Again | William J. Henry, 1907 Gospel
Go tell the world that Jesus has suffered, / Died to redeem the vilest of men; …
Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley, 1918 Happiness
I'm happy in Jesus and tell it I must, / For He has redeemed me, I know; …
Dayton | Edmund S. Lorenz Tell It to Jesus | Edmund S. Lorenz, 1876 Prayer
Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted? / Tell it to Jesus, …
Tell Jesus | Charles H. Gabriel Tell Jesus | Ina D. Ogdon, 1917 Supplication
When dark and stormy is the way, / When sin besets on every hand, …
Stories of Jesus | Frederick A. Challinor Tell Me the Stories of Jesus | William H. Parker, 1885 Jesus/Savior
Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear; / Things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here; …
Story of Jesus | John R. Sweney Tell Me the Story of Jesus | Frances J. Crosby, 1880 Gospel
Tell me the story of Jesus, / Write on my heart every word; …
Tell Mother I'll Be There | Charles M. Fillmore Tell Mother I’ll Be There | Charles M. Fillmore, 1898 Heaven
When I was but a little child, how well I recollect / How I would grieve my mother with my folly and neglect; …
Tell the Love of Jesus | Harlan D. Sorrell Tell the Love of Jesus | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1982 Missionary
Down in the human heart there's a craving, / An aching void that longs to be filled: …
Tell What He's Done for You | Andrew L. Byers Tell What He’s Done for You | Lizzie DeArmond, 1922 Praise
Have you found rest and peace within, / Rolled far away your load of sin, …
Tender Love of Jesus | Ruth M. Emswiler Tender Love of Jesus | Ruth M. Emswiler, 1970 Love
Tender love of Jesus, so lovely and so pure; / Flowing through this vessel to strengthen, fill, and cure …
Tenderly Lead Thou Me On | Norman W. Smith Tenderly Lead Thou Me On | Joseph Smith, 1903 Supplication
Tenderly, tenderly lead Thou me on, / On o'er the way where my Savior hath gone; …
Thanksgiving | Daniel O. Teasley Thanksgiving | Daniel O. Teasley, 1903 Thanksgiving
We thank Thee, Lord, for life and breath, / Provided us so free; …
Tack, O Gud | Johannes A. Hultman Thanks to God | August L. Storm, 1891 Thanksgiving
Thanks to God for my Redeemer, / Thanks for all Thou dost provide! …
That Happy World Above | Andrew L. Byers That Happy World Above | J. M. Huston, 1897 Heaven
There's a happy world above, / Where there's joy, and peace, and love; …
That's Enough for Me (Henry) | William J. Henry That’s Enough for Me (Henry) | William J. Henry, 1926 Trust
When my sky is clear and bright, / When I find it dark as night; …
That's Enough for Me (Warner) | Barney E. Warren That’s Enough for Me (Warner) | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Satisfaction
Though all along my happy pilgrim race / My treasures small and very few may be, …
That Verdant Summer Land | Daniel O. Teasley That Verdant Summer Land | Jennie Mast, 1907 Encouragement
Is thy troubled heart oppressed, / Heavy-laden, sick and sore, …
That Wicked One Toucheth Him Not | Charles W. Naylor That Wicked One Toucheth Him Not | Charles W. Naylor, 1897 Refuge
How safe is the soul that abides in the Lord, / Securely from sin hid away; …
The All-Atoning Blood | Uriah E. Hallman The All-Atoning Blood | Mrs. S. E. Donovan, 1907 Blood
Helpless I have come to Jesus, / To no other could I go, …
The All-Cleansing Fountain | Joseph C. Fisher The All-Cleansing Fountain | Joseph C. Fisher, 1883 Cleansing
There's a fountain opened in the house of God, / Where the vilest of sinners may go, …
The Angel Choir | Barney E. Warren The Angel Choir | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Meditation
I seem to hear an angel choir / Down from their shining home, …
The Army of the Lord | Barney E. Warren The Army of the Lord | Barney E. Warren, 1926 Warfare
In the holy army we've enlisted, / Now the banner of the cross we bear; …
The Atonement | Ora H. Teasley The Atonement | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Jesus/Savior
Down from the glory of Father's shining kingdom, / Down to a sinful world, our dying souls to win, …
The Backslider | Andrew L. Byers The Backslider | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Sin
Sad and lonely, weak and weary, / Down life's rugged path I roam; …
Royal Banner | James McGranahan The Banner of the Cross | Daniel W. Whittle, 1884 Warfare
There's a royal banner given for display / To the soldiers of the King; …
The Beautiful Garden of Prayer | James H. Fillmore The Beautiful Garden of Prayer | Eleanor A. Schroll, 1920 Prayer
There's a garden where Jesus is waiting, / There's a place that is wondrously fair; …
The Beautiful Light | John R. Sweney The Beautiful Light | Russell K. Carter, 1887 Light
Jesus is the light, the way, / We are walking in the light, …
The Bible Stands | Haldor Lillenas The Bible Stands | Haldor Lillenas, 1917 Bible/Word
The Bible stands like a rock undaunted / 'Mid the raging storms of time; …
The Bible Way | Barney E. Warren The Bible Way | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Invitation
The Lord invites you in, / Oh, come to Him, I pray; …
The Blameless Church | Amanda L. Speck The Blameless Church | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Church
Without spot and blameless, O Savior, / What a glorious church Thou hast built! …
Santiam | Joel A. Erickson The Blessing Bestowed | Anna L. Waring, 1863 Salvation
With a heart full of anxious request, / Which my Father in heaven bestowed, …
The Blessing of Prayer | Zella M. Robinson The Blessing of Prayer | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Prayer
There's stealing o'er my peaceful, trusting soul / A power that is most divinely sweet, …
The Bliss of Canaan | Andrew L. Byers The Bliss of Canaan | Clara M. Brooks, 1918 Sanctification
Dwelling now in Canaan land / With the pure and holy band, …
The Blood of Jesus | Barney E. Warren The Blood of Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Blood
Must I in sinful bondage be, / Deprived of peace and liberty, …
The Bondage of Love | Joseph Garrison The Bondage of Love | George D. Watson, 1894 Love
O sweet will of God! thou hast girded me 'round, / Like the deep, moving currents that girdle the sea; …
The Bond of Perfectness | Barney E. Warren The Bond of Perfectness | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Fellowship
How sweet this bond of perfectness, / The wondrous love of Jesus; …
The Bride of Christ | Andrew L. Byers The Bride of Christ | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Church
O church of God, thou spotless bride, / On Jesus' breast secure; …
The Children's Meeting | Barney E. Warren The Children’s Meeting | Daniel S. Warner, 1897 Joy
Oh, we love the children's meeting, / Where we learn the golden rule; …
Golden Key (2) | John R. Sweney The Child’s Golden Key | John Parker, 1875 Prayer
Prayer is the key on a bending knee / To begin our morning hours; …
The Christian's Guide | Barney E. Warren The Christian’s Guide | Maggie W. Stratton, 1897 Bible/Word
Holy Bible, how I love it! / How it doth my bosom cheer, …
The Church | Barney E. Warren The Church | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Church
The church of God from heaven came, / Jesus, her glorious Founder, …
The Church Has One Foundation | Andrew L. Byers The Church Has One Foundation | Samuel J. Stone, 1866 Church
The church has one foundation, / 'Tis Jesus Christ her Lord; …
The Church Is Moving On | Donald Sharp The Church Is Moving On | Donald Sharp, 1980 Church
Free from every carnal pleasure, free from all formality, / She is guided without measure, for the Son has made her free. …
The Church of Christ | Barney E. Warren The Church of Christ | Barney E. Warren, 1888 Church
In the church of Jesus only— / She of heav'nly origin— …
The Church of God | Anna L. Howard The Church of God | A. J. Kilpatrick, 1893 Church
I love the church of God, / The house that Jesus built, …
The Church's Jubilee | Andrew L. Byers The Church’s Jubilee | Charles W. Naylor, 1923 Church
The light of eventide now shines the darkness to dispel, / The glories of fair Zion's state ten thousand voices tell; …
The Church Triumphant | Barney E. Warren The Church Triumphant | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Church
Men speak of "a church triumphant" / As something on earth unknown, …
The City of God | Barney E. Warren The City of God | Horatius Bonar, 1861 Zion
Bathed in unfallen sunlight, / Itself a sunborn gem, …
The City of Light | Aldine S. Kieffer The City of Light | Aldine S. Kieffer, 1877 Anticipation
There's a city of light 'mid the stars, we are told, / Where they know not a sorrow or care; …
The Cleansing Stream | Amanda L. Speck The Cleansing Stream | Barney E. Warren, 1888 Cleansing
We're living by faith in the Savior alone, / Who suffered on Calv'ry for sin to atone; …
Cleansing Wave | Phoebe P. Knapp The Cleansing Wave | Phoebe W. Palmer Cleansing
Oh, now I see the *crimson wave! [*cleansing] / The fountain deep and wide; …
Santa Fe | Andrew L. Byers The Clefted Rock | Nancy Byers, 1893 Refuge
In the clefted Rock I hide, / Savior, let me here abide; …
The Comforter Has Come | William J. Kirkpatrick The Comforter Has Come | Frank Bottome, 1890 Holy Spirit
Oh, spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found, / Wherever human hearts and human woes abound; …
Consuming Fire | Joel A. Erickson The Consumption Decree | Anonymous/Unknown, 1888 Cleansing
The prophetic days of burning, / Lo, in wonder we behold; …
The Crimson Cross | Joseph C. Fisher The Crimson Cross | Silas G. Odell, 1899 Crucifixion
See the cross, the cross of Jesus, / Crimson with His own life's blood; …
The Cross | Andrew L. Byers The Cross | Lucy M. Lewis, 1897 Salvation
Oh, the cross! the precious cross! / 'Twas there I counted all but loss; …
The Cross Is Not Greater | Ballington Booth The Cross Is Not Greater | Ballington Booth, 1892 Trials
The cross that He gave may be heavy, / But it ne'er outweighs His grace; …
The Crucifixion | Charles W. Naylor The Crucifixion | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Crucifixion
Hushed is the wood-bird's note, silent her song of glee, / Shrouded in gloom the sun, shaking is Calvary; …
The Crucifixion Scene | Barney E. Warren The Crucifixion Scene | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Crucifixion
Borne away in mind and spirit / To the solemn, awful scene …
The Daily Cross | E. Burgess The Daily Cross | B. P. H. Crucifixion
Lord, day by day I view Thy wondrous cross / On Calvary! …
The Day of His Grace Is Past | Barney E. Warren The Day of His Grace Is Past | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Warning
O soul, be afraid, thou shalt reckon with God, / And pass 'neath the scourge of His wrathful rod; …
Lancashire (2) | Henry T. Smart The Day of Resurrection | John of Damascus, 1862 Resurrection
The day of resurrection! / Earth, tell it out abroad; …
St. Clement | Clement C. Scholefield The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended | John Ellerton, 1870 Praise
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, / The darkness falls at Thy behest; …
The Dear Old Bible | Haldor Lillenas The Dear Old Bible | Haldor Lillenas, 1917 Bible/Word
Give me the dear old Bible as my guide each day, / Be it my help and comfort on my pilgrim way, …
The Debt We Owe | Andrew L. Byers The Debt We Owe | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Missionary
The Lord of the harvest is calling / For laborers true in His field, …
The Dispensation Day | Barney E. Warren The Dispensation Day | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Church
In the awful age of night, / When the earth was struck with blight, …
The Eastern Gate | Isaiah G. Martin The Eastern Gate | Isaiah G. Martin, 1905 Anticipation
I will meet you in the morning, / Just inside the Eastern Gate; …
The Evening Is Glorious! | Harlan D. Sorrell The Evening Is Glorious! | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1986 Restoration
The evening is glorious, oh, hear the glad song / Of saints all victorious o'er sin and the wrong! …
The Evening Light | H. R. Jeffrey The Evening Light | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Church
Brighter days are sweetly dawning, / Oh, the glory looms in sight! …
The Faithfulness of God | Barney E. Warren The Faithfulness of God | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Exhortation
Oh, look at the faithfulness of Christ, our Lord, / How He saves and keeps the soul; …
The Fight Is On | Lelia N. Morris The Fight Is On | Lelia N. Morris, 1905 Warfare
The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out, / The cry "To arms!" is heard afar and near; …
The Fight of Faith | Daniel O. Teasley The Fight of Faith | Thomas Nelson, 1907 Warfare
Awake! awake! ye saints of light, / Put on your shield and armor; …
The First Noel | English melody The First Noel | Anonymous/Unknown, 1833 Christmas
The first Noel the angel did say / Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; …
The Fountain of Cleansing | Nellie L. Miller The Fountain of Cleansing | O. A. Pratt, 1907 Cleansing
Oh, come to the fountain of cleansing, / Dear sinner, why longer delay? …
Gate Ajar | Silas J. Vail The Gate Ajar for Me | Lydia O. Baxter, 1870 Hope
There is a gate that stands ajar, / And through its portals gleaming …
The Glorious Invitation | Barney E. Warren The Glorious Invitation | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Invitation
Heed the glorious invitation, come, / Oh, come, oh, come; …
The Glory of Heaven | W. H. Rukbush The Glory of Heaven | Helen C. Alexander, 1915 Heaven
After the shadows have passed away, / From my life forever, …
The Golden Harvest | H. R. Jeffrey The Golden Harvest | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Work
Oh, why should I be idle, / While there's so much to do? …
Golden Key | John R. Sweney The Golden Key | John Parker, 1875 Prayer
Prayer is the key on the bending knee / To open the morn's first hours; …
The Golden Morning | Barney E. Warren The Golden Morning | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Judgment
We have reached an awful era in the onward flight of years, / While the nations are in slumber, crying "peace" 'mid drowning fears; …
The Good Shepherd | Clarence E. Hunter The Good Shepherd | O. A. Pratt, 1900 Invitation
Afar on the mountain the Shepherd / Is seeking the lost ones to save; …
The Gospel Bells | Daniel O. Teasley The Gospel Bells | Opal F. Brookover, 1907 Gospel
The gospel bells ring joyfully / Across the land, across the sea, …
The Gospel Seed | Clara M. Brooks The Gospel Seed | Clara M. Brooks, 1914 Sowing/Reaping
Scatter the gospel seed through every nation, / Tell every darkened soul Jesus has died; …
The Gospel Trumpet | Clarence E. Hunter The Gospel Trumpet | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Truth
Blow the gospel trumpet, brother, over land and sea, / Sound the news to all creation, Christ will set you free; …
The Grace of God | Barney E. Warren The Grace of God | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Grace
The grace of God that brings salvation / And teaches righteousness, …
The Great Battle for Truth | Barney E. Warren The Great Battle for Truth | John E. Roberts, 1893 Warfare
Behold, mighty angels are flying, / All chosen and faithful and called, …
The Great Judgment Morning (Pickett) | Leander L. Pickett The Great Judgment Morning (Winsett) | Robert E. Winsett The Great Judgment Morning | Bertram H. Shadduck, 1894 Warning
I dreamed that the great judgment morning / Had dawned, and the trumpet had blown; …
Great Physician | John H. Stockton The Great Physician | William Hunter, 1859 Jesus/Savior
The great Physician now is near, / The sympathizing Jesus; …
The Great Redeemer | Samuel W. Beazley The Great Redeemer | Francis Foster, 1915 Gospel
How I love the great Redeemer / Who is doing so much for me; …
The Great Sacrifice | Barney E. Warren The Great Sacrifice | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Warning
God is sweeping through the nations / With an awful, searching eye; …
The Half Not Told | Ralph E. Hudson The Half Has Never Yet Been Told | Frances R. Havergal, 1878 Experience
I know I love Thee better, Lord / Than any earthly joy: …
The Hallowed Spot | Anonymous/Unknown The Hallowed Spot | William Hunter, 1845 Experience
There is a spot to me more dear / Than native vale or mountain; …
The Hand of God on the Wall | Allie R. Fisher The Hand of God on the Wall | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Warning
See the great king of Babel in these latter days of time, / Make a feast that's universal, all the nations drink her wine; …
The Hand That Was Wounded for Me | Daniel B. Towner The Hand That Was Wounded for Me | Harriett H. Pierson, 1905 Sacrifice
The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe, / In love reaches out to the world below; …
The Happy People | Barney E. Warren The Happy People | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Joy
Who but the Christian is happy and free, / Filled with the glory of God? …
The Harbor Bell | Ira D. Sankey The Harbor Bell | John H. Yates, 1891 Guidance
Our life is like a stormy sea / Swept by the gales of sin and grief, …
The Harvest Call | Andrew L. Byers The Harvest Call | William J. Henry, 1897 Missionary
Why stand ye all day idle? The harvest time is here, / Behold, with flaming sickle the reapers gather near; …
The Harvest Is Passing | Daniel O. Teasley The Harvest Is Passing | Nora B. Dodge, 1901 Invitation
Summer time is swiftly, swiftly passing by, / "Harvest time is ended," soon must be the cry; …
The Harvest Is Past | Barney E. Warren The Harvest Is Past | William J. Henry, 1900 Warning
The harvest is past and the summer is ended, / Alas, precious soul, this may be thy sad cry: …
The Haven of Rest | George D. Moore The Haven of Rest | Henry L. Gilmour, 1885 Rest
My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea, / So burdened with sin and distressed, …
The Healing Touch | Henry C. Clausen The Healing Touch | Clara M. Brooks, 1918 Healing
He who calmed the storm on Galilee, / He who set the moaning leper free, …
The Healing Waters | Leander L. Pickett The Healing Waters | H. H. Heimar, 1900 Healing
Oh, the joy of sins forgiv'n, / Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know, …
The Highway of the King | William J. Henry The Highway of the King | William J. Henry, 1907 Experience
We're a band of happy pilgrims bound for our home above, / Walking in the highway of the King; …
The Holy of Holies | Barney E. Warren The Holy of Holies | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Sanctification
There is a blest pavilion, / A sacred inner court, …
The Holy Remnant | Mrs. M. J. Groves The Holy Remnant | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
Are you of the holy remnant, / Gathered to the King of Peace? …
The Home of the Soul | Andrew L. Byers The Home of the Soul | Daniel S. Warner Abiding
Let us sing a sweet song of the home of the soul, / The glorious place of our rest; …
The Home Over There | Tullius C. O'Kane The Home Over There | DeWitt C. Huntington, 1868 Heaven
Oh, think of the home over there, / By the side of the river of light, …
The Hour of My Departure | John H. Tenney The Hour of My Departure | Anzentia I. P. Chapman, 1889 Watchfulness
The hour of my departure / I may not know, …
The House of God | Harlan D. Sorrell The House of God | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Church
The house of God, built by His hands, / Triumphant through the ages stands …
The Jewels for Me | Joel A. Erickson The Jewels for Me | Laura S. Erickson, 2009 Decision
I want to be pretty, I want to be smart, / But Jesus is looking at things in my heart. …
The Joy of the Lord | Albert B. Simpson The Joy of the Lord | Albert B. Simpson, 1890 Joy
The joy of the Lord is the strength of His people, / The sunshine that scatters their sadness and gloom; …
St. Columba | Irish melody The King of Love My Shepherd Is | Henry W. Baker, 1868 Comfort
The King of love my Shepherd is, / Whose goodness faileth never: …
The King's Business | Flora H. Cassel The King’s Business | Elijah T. Cassel, 1902 Invitation
I am a stranger here, within a foreign land; / My home is far away, upon a golden strand; …
Morning Song | Elkanah K. Dare Goshen/Jerusalem | German melody The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns | Anonymous/Unknown, 1907 Anticipation
The King shall come when morning dawns, / And light triumphant breaks; …
The Last Call | Daniel O. Teasley The Last Call | Eugene A. Reardon, 1907 Invitation
O sinner, heed the Spirit's voice, / Ere mercy's day is past; …
The Last Farewell | Daniel O. Teasley The Last Farewell | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Anticipation
Farewell, dear friends, I bid you / A loving, last farewell; …
The Last Great Day | Barney E. Warren The Last Great Day | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Judgment
The earth shall melt with fervent heat, / The heavens pass away, …
The Last Hymn | Andrew L. Byers The Last Hymn | Daniel S. Warner, 1895 Death
"Shall my soul ascend with rapture / When the day of life is past; …
The Last Mile of the Way | William E. Marks The Last Mile of the Way | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1908 Anticipation
If I walk in the pathway of duty, / If I work till the close of the day, …
The Life of Victory | Paul Rader The Life of Victory | Paul Rader, 1918 Victory
No more need fear, and no more need doubting, / No more need pride control in my life; …
Light of the World | Philip P. Bliss The Light of the World Is Jesus | Philip P. Bliss, 1875 Light
The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin, / The Light of the world is Jesus! …
The Light of Truth | Andrew L. Byers The Light of Truth | Charles W. Naylor, 1925 Light
Over the age-old path the centuries have trod, / Shone with its lustrous beams the golden light of God; …
Salvationist | William S. Hays The Lily of the Valley | Charles W. Fry, 1881 Jesus/Savior
I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me, / He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul; …
The Lion of Judah | J. Raymond Neff The Lion of Judah | Jennie Mast, 1907 Victory
The Lion of Judah, the Lamb that was slain, / In power and glory has risen to reign; …
The Lord Is Coming | H. R. Jeffrey The Lord Is Coming | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Heaven
Are you ready, waiting for the Lord? / See, the signs proclaim Him near, …
The Lord Is King | Barney E. Warren The Lord Is King | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Jesus/Savior
The Lord is King, the Lord is King, / The Lord is King forevermore. …
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation | George F. Root The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation | Scripture, 1860 Assurance
The Lord is my light, is my light and my salvation: / Whom shall I fear? …
Ballerma | Francois H. Barthelemon The Lord Is My Shepherd | Scripture, 1650 Guidance
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want; / He makes me down to lie …
The Lord's Day | Andrew L. Byers The Lord’s Day | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Worship
O day of all the days the best, / When—laid aside each earthly care— …
The Lord Will Provide [TTBB] | Edmund S. Lorenz The Lord Will Provide | Martha A. Cook, 1870 Trust
In some way or other / The Lord will provide; …
The Lost Sheep | Barney E. Warren The Lost Sheep | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Missionary
The ninety-nine are safely lying / In the fold, in the fold; …
The Love of God | Frederick M. Lehman The Love of God | Frederick M. Lehman, 1917 Love
The love of God is greater far / Than tongue or pen can ever tell; …
The Love of God Within the Heart | Samuel W. Beazley The Love of God Within the Heart | Laurene Highfield, 1916 Love
Since the love of God has shed / Priceless blessings on my head, …
The Love That Gave Jesus to Die | James McGranahan The Love That Gave Jesus to Die | Daniel W. Whittle, 1887 Love
Let us sing of the love of the Lord, / As now to the cross we draw nigh; …
Ash Grove | Welsh melody The Master Has Called Us | Sarah Doudney, 1871 Consecration
The Master has come, and He calls us to follow / The track of the footprints He leaves on our way; …
Launch Out | Russell K. Carter The Mercy of God Is an Ocean Divine | Albert B. Simpson, 1891 Mercy
The mercy of God is an ocean divine, / A boundless and fathomless flood; …
The Messages of the Doves | Florence Roberts The Messages of the Doves | Florence Roberts, 1912 Invitation
The messengers tap on the windows, / The windows of the soul; …
The More I Learn About Jesus | Barney E. Warren The More I Learn About Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1926 Aspiration
The more I learn about Jesus, / The more I know He loves me; …
The Music of God's Word | George C. Stebbins The Music of God’s Word | Flora Kirkland, 1906 Bible/Word
In the deep, deep waves of sorrow, / 'Mid the strong, swift tides of grief, …
The Music of Heaven | James R. Murray The Music of Heaven | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1876 Heaven
The music of heaven is sweeter in measure / And purer in every strain …
The Music of His Name | Barney E. Warren The Music of His Name | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Worship
Who can sing the wondrous love of the Son divine? / O my Lord, there's none so dear to me …
The Name of Jesus | Edmund S. Lorenz The Name of Jesus | William C. Martin, 1902 Jesus/Savior
The name of Jesus is so sweet, / I love its music to repeat; …
The Names of Jesus | Margaret M. Simpson The Names of Jesus | Albert B. Simpson, 1904 Jesus/Savior
There is a name to Jesus given, / His matchless love its accents tell; …
The New Jerusalem | Daniel O. Teasley The New Jerusalem | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Church
To Jerusalem the new / Come the tried and faithful few …
The Ninety and Nine | Ira D. Sankey The Ninety and Nine | Elizabeth C. Clephane, 1868 Salvation
There were ninety and nine that safely lay / In the shelter of the fold; …
The Ninety-Nine | Barney E. Warren The Ninety-Nine | William G. Schell, 1897 Missionary
The ninety-nine within the fold / Are safe from fears and storms of night, …
The Old Account Was Settled | Frank M. Graham The Old Account Was Settled | Frank M. Graham, 1902 Salvation
There was a time on earth when in the book of Heav'n / An old account was standing for sins yet unforgiv'n; …
The Old Campground | Barney E. Warren The Old Campground | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Joy
We have met today on the old campground, / And our hearts, O God, o'erflow …
The Old Rugged Cross | George Bennard The Old Rugged Cross | George Bennard, 1913 Crucifixion
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, / The emblem of suff'ring and shame; …
The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris, 1908 Experience
I believe in the old-time religion, / For it saves from all sin here below, …
Beecher (2) | John Zundel The One Church | Bernhardt S. Ingemann, 1825 Church
Through the night of doubt and sorrow / Onward goes the pilgrim band, …
The Pathway of the Just | Barney E. Warren The Pathway of the Just | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Experience
There are beams of brilliant sunlight along the holy way, / Where the weary pilgrims travel in the dust; …
The Penitent's Plea | Herbert H. Booth The Penitent’s Plea | Herbert H. Booth, 1890 Repentance
Savior, hear me, while before Thy feet / I the record of my sins repeat, …
The Perishing World | Barney E. Warren The Perishing World | William G. Schell, 1893 Missionary
On the borders of eternity the world is standing now, / In a moment all the wicked will be lost in endless woe; …
The Pilgrim's Confidence | Barney E. Warren The Pilgrim’s Confidence | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Trust
Walking through life's dark, shady valley, / Walking with Jesus day by day; …
The Pilgrim Way | Emma E. Meyer The Pilgrim Way | Henry G. Jackson, 1894 Anticipation
Upward toils the eager pilgrim, / Pressing onward to his home, …
The Precious Seed | Barney E. Warren The Precious Seed | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Sowing/Reaping
We are sowing every moment, / Seeds that yield much good, or bad; …
The Precious Sunlight | Barney E. Warren The Precious Sunlight | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Light
Praise the Lord, there's sunlight in my happy soul today, / Brighter than the glorious noon; …
The Prince of My Peace | William G. Fischer The Prince of My Peace | Wilbur F. Crafts, 1873 Peace
I stand all bewildered with wonder / And gaze on the ocean of love, …
The Prodigal's Return | Joseph C. Fisher The Prodigal’s Return | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Sin
Oh, how weary and sad is my aching heart today, / As I languish alone to die! …
The Promise Is for Me | Clarence E. Hunter The Promise Is for Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Promise
I used to hear the promise, / That Christ would save from sin, …
The Redemption Story | H. R. Jeffrey The Redemption Story | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Examination
Tell me, pilgrim, trav'ling homeward, / Are you holy, free from sin? …
The Reformation Glory | Andrew L. Byers The Reformation Glory | Charles W. Naylor, 1922 Truth
There's a mighty reformation sweeping o'er the land, / God is gathering His people by His mighty hand; …
The Regions Beyond | Margaret M. Simpson The Regions Beyond | Albert B. Simpson, 1904 Missionary
To the regions beyond I must go, I must go, / Where the story has never been told; …
There Is a City | Ulysses Phillips There Is a City | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Heaven
There is a city, so I've been told, / With gates of pearl and streets of gold; …
City Bright | James S. Tyler There Is a City Bright | Mary A. S. Deck, 1898 Heaven
There is a city bright; / Closed are its gates to sin; …
Cleansing Fountain | American melody There Is a Fountain | William Cowper, 1772 Blood
There is a fountain filled with blood, / Drawn from Immanuel's veins, …
Happy Land | Hindustani melody There Is a Happy Land | Andrew Young, 1838 Heaven
There is a happy land, far, far away, / Where saints in glory stand, bright, bright as day; …
Glory in My Soul | Charles H. Gabriel Glory in My Soul [TTBB] | Charles H. Gabriel There Is Glory in My Soul | Grace W. Davis, 1894 Praise
Since I lost my sins and I found my Savior, / There is glory in my soul! …
There Is Healing in His Name | Clarence E. Hunter There Is Healing in His Name | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Healing
Simply trusting in the Savior, / Healing virtue now receive; …
There Is Joy in the Lord | Barney E. Warren There Is Joy in the Lord | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
I will sing, hallelujah, for there's joy in the Lord, / And He fills my heart with rapture as I rest on His Word; …
Latakia | Edward G. Taylor There Is Life for a Look | Amelia M. Hull, 1832 Invitation
There is life for a look at the Crucified One, / There is life at this moment for thee; …
There Is Power in the Blood | Lewis E. Jones There Is Power in the Blood | Lewis E. Jones, 1899 Salvation
Would you be free from the burden of sin? / There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; …
Margaret | Timothy R. Matthews There Is Room in My Heart for Thee | Emily E. Elliott, 1864 Christmas
Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown, / When Thou camest to earth for me; …
There Is Sunlight on the Hilltop | Mrs. M. T. Haughey There Is Sunlight on the Hilltop | Mrs. M. T. Haughey, 1886 Light
There is sunlight on the hilltop, / There is sunlight on the sea; …
There's a Fountain Free | Asa B. Everett There’s a Fountain Free | Mary B. Slade, 1876 Invitation
There's a fountain free, 'tis for you and me: / Let us haste, oh, haste to its brink; …
There's a Fountain of Blood | Barney E. Warren There’s a Fountain of Blood | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Blood
There's a fountain of blood that atones for the soul, / And it flows from the side of the Lord; …
There's a Light | Ella V. Phillips There’s a Light | Ulysses Phillips, 1949 Light
There's a light shining down on my pathway today, / Causing darkness and shadows to flee; …
Christmas Song | Karl P. Harrington There’s a Song in the Air | Josiah G. Holland, 1872 Christmas
There's a song in the air! There's a star in the sky! / There's a mother's deep prayer and a Baby's low cry! …
Wellesley | Lizzie S. Tourjee There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy | Frederick W. Faber, 1862 Faith
There's a wideness in God's mercy, / Like the wideness of the sea; …
There's a Work for Jesus | William T. Meyer There’s a Work for Jesus | Elsie D. Yale, 1912 Work
There's a work for Jesus, ready at your hand, / 'Tis a task the Master just for you has planned. …
The Rescued Lamb | Joel A. Erickson The Rescued Lamb | Joel A. Erickson, 2008 Salvation
Hear the angels in heaven rejoicing today, / For a lamb who was lost on the mountains away …
Showers of Blessing | James McGranahan There Shall Be Showers of Blessing | Daniel W. Whittle, 1883 Faith
There shall be showers of blessing: / This is the promise of love; …
There's Music in My Soul | Barney E. Warren There’s Music in My Soul | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Joy
Since I have found my Savior, / Bowed to His control; …
The Resurrection | Barney E. Warren The Resurrection | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Resurrection
Now the shadows of the evening / Gently steal across the sky; …
The Resurrection Morn | Barney E. Warren The Resurrection Morn | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Resurrection
In the resurrection morning, / When the Savior comes, 'tis said, …
Ariel | Wolfgang A. Mozart The Riches of God’s Goodness | Scripture, 1912 Trust
How great the goodness kept in store / For those who fear Thee and adore …
The River of Life | Joseph C. Fisher The River of Life | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Cleansing
There's a river of life with its pure crystal light, / Flowing out from the great white throne; …
The River of Pleasure | Andrew L. Byers The River of Pleasure | Barney E. Warren, 1891 Joy
Oh, drink of the river of pleasure, / A deep, living stream of delight; …
The Rose of Sharon | Barney E. Warren The Rose of Sharon | Anonymous/Unknown, 1900 Jesus/Savior
Lord Jesus, my sweet Rose of Sharon, / My Prophet, my Priest, and my King— …
The Royal Servant | Clarence E. Hunter The Royal Servant | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Humility
Come within that upper chamber, / See the King of love and peace: …
The Royal Telephone | Frederick M. Lehman The Royal Telephone | Frederick M. Lehman, 1919 Prayer
Central's never "busy," always on the line; / You may hear from heaven almost any time; …
The Sacrificial Lamb | Silas S. Martin The Sacrificial Lamb | Silas S. Martin, 2013 Jesus/Savior
The Sacrificial Lamb was slain / Upon Mount Calvary; …
The Safe Retreat | Barney E. Warren The Safe Retreat | Barney E. Warren, 1926 Trust
When the storm clouds rise and the sky is dark, / When oppressed with anxious care; …
Rutherford | Chretien Urhan The Sands of Time Are Sinking | Anne R. Cousin, 1857 Anticipation
The sands of time are sinking, / The dawn of Heaven breaks; …
The Savior's Invitation | Charles H. Gabriel The Savior’s Invitation | Tom C. Neal, 1893 Invitation
Hear the blessed Savior saying, / "Let the children come to Me!" …
The Savior with Me | John R. Sweney The Savior with Me | Frances J. Crosby, 1884 Abiding
I must have the Savior with me, / For I dare not go alone, …
The Sea of Glass | Barney E. Warren The Sea of Glass | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Experience
We stand upon the sea of glass, / That's mingled with Jehovah's fire; …
The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Refuge
In the shadow of His wings / Doth my heart rejoice, …
The Sheep That Was Lost | Anonymous/Unknown The Sheep That Was Lost | Anonymous/Unknown, 1922 Salvation
The sheltering fold held securely / The ninety and nine safe within; …
The Shield of Faith | Barney E. Warren The Shield of Faith | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Faith
Take the shield of faith, my brother, / Hold it boldly in the light; …
The Silver Star | Horatio R. Palmer The Silver Star | D. K. En, 1895 Christmas
On the brow of night there shines a silver star, / On the brow of night there shines a silver star, …
The Slighted Stranger | Uriah E. Hallman The Slighted Stranger | Jennie Mast, 1911 Invitation
Without, awaiting at the threshold, / Is a stranger pleading in an undertone, …
Solid Rock | William B. Bradbury The Solid Rock | Edward Mote, 1834 Assurance
My hope is built on nothing less / Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; …
Sunrise | Joel A. Erickson The Son Has Risen | Joel A. Erickson, 2005 Resurrection
Behold the women walking to the tomb, / Bearing for Jesus' body sweet perfume; …
All Saints, New | Henry S. Cutler The Son of God Goes Forth to War | Reginald Heber, 1812 Warfare
The Son of God goes forth to war, / A kingly crown to gain; …
The Spirit Pleading | Daniel O. Teasley The Spirit Pleading | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Holy Spirit
Oft in the noonday, the evening, / And in the stillness of night, …
The Stranger of Galilee | Lelia N. Morris The Stranger of Galilee | Lelia N. Morris, 1893 Jesus/Savior
In fancy I stood by the shore, one day, / Of the beautiful murm'ring sea; …
Victory (Palestrina) | Giovanni P. da Palestrina The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done | Anonymous/Unknown, 1695 Victory
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! / …
The Sun Behind the Cloud | Barney E. Warren The Sun Behind the Cloud | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Encouragement
In the Bible Jesus tells us we must suffer for His sake; / Though the world in trouble wears a gloomy shroud, …
Nun Ist Sie Erschienen | James R. Murray The Sun Has Now Risen in Heavenly Glory | William Horn, 1917 Christmas
The sun has now risen in heavenly glory, / And shines through the darkness of night; …
The Sweetest Song | Adam Geibel The Sweetest Song | Lida S. Leech, 1917 Praise
There is a song I never tire of singing, / It is a song which down the ages rings; …
The Temple of God | Barney E. Warren The Temple of God | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
Not in the temples made with hands, / Though beautiful by art, …
The Tested Rock | Barney E. Warren The Tested Rock | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Refuge
Rock of ages, hide my soul, / Keep me while the billows roll; …
The Touch of His Hand on Mine | Henry P. Morton The Touch of His Hand on Mine | Jessie B. Pounds, 1913 Guidance
There are days so dark that I seek in vain / For the face of my Friend divine; …
The Touch of His Tender Hand | Andrew L. Byers The Touch of His Tender Hand | Clara M. Brooks, 1918 Missionary
Far away in a land that is darker than night, / With never a star in the sky, …
Glory, Hallelujah (2) | William Steffe The Truth Is Marching On | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Truth
From the mount of heav'nly vision what a glory we behold! / Eighteen hundred years of victory are tinging earth with gold; …
The Unchanging Word | Barney E. Warren The Unchanging Word | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Bible/Word
When the earth shall cease to be, / And the heavens pass away, …
The Unclouded Day | Josiah K. Alwood The Unclouded Day | Josiah K. Alwood, 1885 Anticipation
Oh, they tell me of a home far beyond the skies, / Oh, they tell me of a home far away; …
North Park | John C. Bieri The Upper Window | John C. Bieri, 1923 Assurance
When God spoke unto Noah, and said to build the ark, / The Lord knew well the vessel would cheerless be and dark, …
The Valley of Decision (1) | Barney E. Warren The Valley of Decision (1) | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Decision
All ye people, come down to the judgment begun, / The standard uplifted is shining as the sun; …
The Valley of Decision (2) | Barney E. Warren The Valley of Decision (2) | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Decision
There's a peaceful valley of decision found, / Where unbroken fellowship and love abound; …
The Valley of Judgment | Barney E. Warren The Valley of Judgment | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Exhortation
God is sitting in the awful valley, / Near His final judgment seat; …
The Victory | Joseph C. Fisher The Victory | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Victory
O Lord, the vict'ry now is mine, / By cleansing in Thy precious blood; …
The Victory in Trial | Barney E. Warren The Victory in Trial | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Victory
Praise God for His grace bestowed upon me, / How sad was the state I was in! …
The Victory Is Mine | Barney E. Warren The Victory Is Mine | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Victory
The vict'ry is mine, the vict'ry is mine; / Through Jesus my Lord, obeying His word; …
The Virtue of Faith | Clarence E. Hunter The Virtue of Faith | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Faith
As far above the howling storm, / Secure from danger's reach and harm, …
The Vision | Frederick M. Lehman The Vision | Frederick M. Lehman, 1917 Missionary
Have you caught the vision God would have you see? / Millions now are dying far across the sea; …
Webb (2) | George J. Webb The Voice of God Is Calling | John H. Holmes, 1913 Work
The voice of God is calling its summons unto men; / As once He spoke in Zion, so now He speaks again; …
The Voice of Thanksgiving | George W. Stockton The Voice of Thanksgiving | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1898 Thanksgiving
The voice of thanksgiving we cheerfully raise, / On this, our glad festival day; …
Way of the Cross | Charles H. Gabriel The Way of the Cross Leads Home | Jessie B. Pounds, 1906 Consecration
I must needs go home by the way of the cross, / There's no other way but this; …
The White Horse Cavalry | H. R. Jeffrey The White Horse Cavalry | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Warfare
Lo, heaven now opens to rapturous view; / The armies that follow the Faithful and True, …
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man | Anonymous/Unknown The Wise Man and the Foolish Man | Ann Omley, 1948 Wisdom
The wise man built his house upon the Rock, / The wise man built his house upon the Rock, …
The Wonderful Change | Barney E. Warren The Wonderful Change | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Experience
All weights are gone, my heart is light, / My scarlet robes are changed to white; …
The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel, 1897 Experience
Oh, sweet is the story of Jesus, / The wonderful Savior of men, …
The Word of God | Barney E. Warren The Word of God | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Bible/Word
By the word of God the worlds were made, / And are held in place by His commands; …
The World in Awful Sleep | Barney E. Warren The World in Awful Sleep | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Warning
What awful darkness shrouds all the earth! / Hearts sealed in hardness, grope on in death. …
Selena (2) | Isaac B. Woodbury The Worth of Prayer | William Cowper, 1779 Prayer
What various hindrances we meet / In coming to the mercy seat! …
They Are Coming with Songs | Harlan D. Sorrell They Are Coming with Songs | Mary D. James, 1882 Restoration
They are coming with songs, / The victorious throng, …
Thine for Service | Lida S. Leech Thine for Service | Lida S. Leech, 1915 Consecration
I have made my choice to follow Christ each day, / I am Thine for service, Lord; …
Judas Maccabeus | Thine Is the Glory | Edmond L. Budry, 1884 Praise
Thine is the glory, / Risen, conqu'ring Son; …
Thine Is the Kingdom | Isaac H. Meredith Thine Is the Kingdom | Edith S. Tillotson, 1916 Praise
We bless Thy Name, O Lord, / Thy goodness we record, …
Thinking, Lord, of Thee | Clarence E. Hunter Thinking, Lord, of Thee | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Meditation
Alone in some secure retreat, / The sky o'ershadows me; …
This Is Like Heaven to Me | J. E. French This Is Like Heaven to Me | J. E. French, 1903 Joy
We find many people who can't understand / Why we are so happy and free: …
Terra Beata | English melody This Is My Father’s World | Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901 Praise
This is my Father's world, / And to my list'ning ears …
This Is the Battle | Joel A. Erickson This Is the Battle | Joel A. Erickson, 2004 Warfare
Soldier, be quick! Haste thy armor on, / Fatal if passive you be; …
This Is Why I Love My Savior | Barney E. Warren This Is Why I Love My Savior | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Love
Shall I tell you why I ceased from folly? / Why I turned away from sin? …
This New and Living Way | Harlan D. Sorrell This New and Living Way | Harlan D. Sorrell Sanctification
There's a new and living way / Opened in the Lord today— …
St. James | Raphael Courteville Thou Art the Way | George W. Doane, 1824 Jesus/Savior
Thou art the way: to Thee alone / From sin and death we flee; …
Though the Fig Tree Shall Not Blossom | Daniel B. Towner Though the Fig Tree Shall Not Blossom | Ernest L. Thompson, 1905 Trust
Though the fig tree shall not blossom, / Neither fruit be in the vine: …
Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet | William H. Doane Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet | Frances J. Crosby, 1880 Invitation
"Though your sins be as scarlet, / They shall be as white as snow; …
St. Petersburg | Dmitri S. Bortnianski Thou Hidden Love of God | Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729 Love
Thou hidden Love of God, whose height, / Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, …
St. Petersburg (2) | Dmitri S. Bortnianski Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose | Charles Wesley, 1749 Jesus/Savior
Thou hidden source of calm repose, / Thou all-sufficient love divine, …
Throw Out the Lifeline | Edwin S. Ufford Throw Out the Lifeline | Edwin S. Ufford, 1888 Missionary
Throw out the lifeline across the dark wave; / There is a brother whom someone should save; …
Thy Children Are Gathering Home | Charles W. Naylor Thy Children Are Gathering Home | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Truth
Long scattered thy children, O Zion, have been, / But now they are gathering home: …
Thy Soldier I Will Be | Anonymous/Unknown Thy Soldier I Will Be | Anonymous/Unknown, 1922 Warfare
The die is cast, my choice is made, / A soldier I will be; …
St. Cecilia (Hayne) | Leighton G. Hayne Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord | Horatius Bonar, 1857 Submission
Thy way, not mine, O Lord, / However dark it be; …
Thy Will Alone | Lottie Blackwood Thy Will Alone | Lottie Blackwood, 1888 Submission
Thy will alone, dear Lord, / Is all I care to do …
Thy Will Be Done (Brooks) | Barney E. Warren Thy Will Be Done (Brooks) | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Submission
The eventide falls gently now, / By Kedron's side, o'er Olive's brow, …
Thy Will Be Done (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Thy Will Be Done (Warren) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Submission
Thy will be done, / Thy will be done; …
Bethlehem | Gottfried W. Fink Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord | Edwin Hodder, 1863 Bible/Word
Thy Word is like a garden, Lord, with flowers bright and fair; / And everyone who seeks may pluck a lovely cluster there. …
Time Enough | Barney E. Warren Time Enough | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Warning
Time enough, the sluggard cries, / He thinks the season's slow; …
'Tis Better Felt than Told | H. R. Jeffrey ’Tis Better Felt than Told | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Experience
Blest was the hour that heav'nly fire / Lit up my darkened soul; …
'Tis Good to Live in Canaan | Lelia N. Morris ’Tis Good to Live in Canaan | Lelia N. Morris, 1910 Experience
I heard God's voice commanding, "Go up, the land possess," / And trusting in His grace I followed on; …
'Tis Love That Makes Us Happy | Franklin E. Belden ’Tis Love That Makes Us Happy | Franklin E. Belden, 1892 Love
'Tis love that makes us happy, / 'Tis love that smoothes the way; …
'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris ’Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris, 1919 Joy
The Savior has come in His mighty pow'r, / And spoken peace to my soul; …
'Tis Shining Still | Franklin E. Belden ’Tis Shining Still | Franklin E. Belden, 1886 Christmas
A beautiful star arose one night, / Divinely it shone with purest light; …
'Tis So Sweet | Andrew L. Byers 'Tis So Sweet [Major] | Andrew L. Byers ’Tis So Sweet | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Assurance
'Tis so sweet just to know, as I with my Savior go, / If I heed every sacred command …
Trust in Jesus | William J. Kirkpatrick ’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus | Louisa M. R. Stead, 1882 Trust
'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, / Just to take Him at His Word; …
'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer | William H. Doane ’Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer | Frances J. Crosby, 1880 Prayer
'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend, / And we gather to Jesus, our Savior and friend; …
'Tis the Sweetest Name | Oscar A. Miller ’Tis the Sweetest Name | Oscar A. Miller, 1918 Jesus/Savior
'Tis the sweetest name that the angels know, / 'Tis the sweetest name here on earth below, …
'Tis Well with Me | Andrew L. Byers ’Tis Well with Me | William J. Henry, 1907 Assurance
Where'er my Savior's hand may lead, / Whate'er my lot may be; …
Santa Cruz | Ella B. Bishop To Be Lost in the Night | A. F. Ferris, 1897 Warning
Oh, come to the Savior, thou poor, weary soul, / 'Tis Jesus invites thee to come; …
Together | Willa M. Meyers Together | Joyce B. Meyers, 1918 Fellowship
Long ago the prophets told / Of the time we now behold, …
To Glorify Thee | Astrid H. Nelson To Glorify Thee | Astrid H. Nelson, 1959 Supplication
Oh, may my life be to Thy praise, O Father, / In all I do may Thou be magnified; …
To God Be the Glory (Crosby) | William H. Doane To God Be the Glory (Crosby) | Frances J. Crosby, 1875 Praise
To God be the glory, great things He hath done, / So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, …
To God Be the Glory (Naylor) | Charles W. Naylor To God Be the Glory (Naylor) | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Praise
To God be the glory / For all He hath done; …
Toiling for Jesus | William A. Ogden Toiling for Jesus | William A. Ogden, 1890 Work
Gladly, gladly toiling for the Master, / Go we forth with willing hands to do …
To Know That He Knows | Barney E. Warren To Know That He Knows | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Comfort
When my soul is oppressed with the sorrows of life, / And the thought of the morrow alarms; …
Providence (Freed) | Nathan Freed Tomorrow | Sarah K. Wagner, 2007 Trust
I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast hid / From me tomorrow; …
Too Late to Pray | Anonymous/Unknown Too Late to Pray | Anonymous/Unknown Exhortation
Dear friends, the time is drawing near / When life shall pass away— …
Oriel | Caspar Ett To the Name of Our Salvation | Anonymous/Unknown, 1500 Jesus/Savior
To the Name of our salvation, / Laud and honor let us pay, …
To the One Fold | Barney E. Warren To the One Fold | Barney E. Warren, 1926 Unity
God's children were scattered in Babel so cold, / And often obscured was their way; …
To the Work | William H. Doane To the Work | Frances J. Crosby, 1869 Work
To the work! To the work! We are servants of God; / Let us follow the path that our Master has trod; …
Zerah | Lowell Mason To Us a Child of Hope Is Born | John Morrison, 1781 Christmas
To us a Child of hope is born, / To us a Son is giv'n; …
Transformed | Bentley D. Ackley Transformed | F. G. Burroughs, 1920 Salvation
Dear Lord, take up our tangled strands, / Where we have wrought in vain, …
Tread Softly | William H. Doane Tread Softly | Frances J. Crosby, 1902 Worship
Be silent, be silent, / A whisper is heard, …
Troubles into Treasures | Joel A. Erickson Troubles into Treasures | Joel A. Erickson, 2006 Trials
As you journey day by day with Jesus, / You will meet with problems hard to face; …
Truehearted, Wholehearted | George C. Stebbins Truehearted, Wholehearted | Frances R. Havergal, 1878 Loyalty
Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyal, / King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be; …
Trust | Joel A. Erickson Trust | Rebecca N. Taylor, 1883 Trust
Though the rain may fall and the wind be blowing, / And cold and chill is the wintry blast; …
Trust and Obey | Daniel B. Towner Trust and Obey | John H. Sammis, 1887 Trust
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, / What a glory He sheds on our way! …
Trust, Brother, Trust | Barney E. Warren Trust, Brother, Trust | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Trust
Take the cross and follow Jesus, / Trust, brother, trust; …
Trusting in Jesus, My Savior and Friend | Barney E. Warren Trusting in Jesus, My Savior and Friend | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Trust
Trusting in Jesus, my Savior and Friend, / Upward to heaven my praises ascend; …
Trusting Jesus | Ira D. Sankey Trusting Jesus | Edgar P. Stites, 1876 Trust
Simply trusting every day, / Trusting through a stormy way; …
Truth Divine | Andrew L. Byers Truth Divine | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Truth
Truth divine, by angels spoken, / Clothed in strains of music grand; …
Lemmel | Helen H. Lemmel Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus | Helen H. Lemmel, 1922 Exhortation
O soul, are you weary and troubled? / No light in the darkness you see? …
'Twas Love That Found Out Me | H. R. Jeffrey ’Twas Love That Found Out Me | Anonymous/Unknown, 1868 Love
I know that my Redeemer lives, / Oh, how He loves! …
Two Little Hands | William A. Ogden Two Little Hands | William A. Ogden, 1878 Consecration
I've two little hands to work for Jesus, / One little tongue His praise to tell, …
Two Little Hands Are Sweetly Folded | Barney E. Warren Two Little Hands Are Sweetly Folded | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Death
Two little hands are sweetly folded / Upon a silent breast: …