Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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290 items:

The King's Business | Flora H. Cassel The King’s Business | Elijah T. Cassel, 1902 Invitation
I am a stranger here, within a foreign land; / My home is far away, upon a golden strand; …
I Am Coming, Lord, to Thee | Barney E. Warren I Am Coming, Lord, to Thee | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Supplication
I am coming, Lord, to Thee with my broken heart; / I am coming, Lord, to Thee for rest; …
Sweet By and By (2) | Joseph P. Webster I Believe Jesus Saves | William McDonald, 1885 Faith
I am coming to Jesus for rest, / Rest such as the purified know; …
I Am Coming to the Cross | William G. Fischer I Am Coming to the Cross | William McDonald, 1870 Submission
I am coming to the cross; / I am poor and weak and blind; …
Watchman (2) | William B. Bradbury Is Not This the Land of Beulah? | William Hunter, 1882 Sanctification
I am dwelling on the mountain, / Where the golden sunlight gleams …
I've Enlisted in the Service | William J. Henry I’ve Enlisted in the Service | William J. Henry, 1903 Loyalty
I am fighting in the army of the Lord, / And though dangers thickly round my pathway lie, …
I Am Saved Today | George W. McMillan I Am Saved Today | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Experience
I am free from condemnation since the Lord has made me whole, / I have ceased from my repining since He filled with joy my soul; …
I Am Free | Barney E. Warren I Am Free | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Blood
I am free in the all-cleansing blood, / Oh, the sweet flowing tide in my soul, …
I Will Tell the Wondrous Story | Joseph C. Fisher I Will Tell the Wondrous Story | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Experience
I am free, the Lord hath saved me, / I was burdened with my sin; …
Fully Saved Today | Clarence E. Hunter Fully Saved Today | William J. Henry, 1900 Experience
I am fully saved today, / All my guilt is washed away, …
Pearly Gates | Andrew L. Byers Pearly Gates | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Anticipation
I am going to a home bright and fair, / And by faith its pearly gates I see: …
Happy in the Savior | Barney E. Warren Happy in the Savior | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
I am happy in the Lord for the love He showed to me, / And I'm resting on His precious promise; …
In the Service of the King | Bentley D. Ackley In the Service of the King | Alfred H. Ackley, 1912 Happiness
I am happy in the service of the King, / I am happy, oh, so happy; …
McConnell | James E. McConnell “Whosoever” Meaneth Me | James E. McConnell, 1910 Salvation
I am happy today, and the sun shines bright, / The clouds have been rolled away; …
Give Me Jesus Alone | Daniel O. Teasley Give Me Jesus Alone | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Comfort
I am here a pilgrim stranger, / Give me Jesus alone; …
When the Saints Go Marching In | African-American melody When the Saints Go Marching In | Anonymous/Unknown, 1896 Anticipation
I am just a lonesome trav'ler, / Through this big, wide world of sin; …
Learning of My Savior | Andrew L. Byers Learning of My Savior | Georgia C. Elliott, 1893 Experience
I am learning of my Savior / Precious lessons every hour, …
Greenwell | William J. Kirkpatrick My Savior (Greenwell) | Dorothy Greenwell, 1873 Jesus/Savior
I am not skilled to understand / What God has willed, what God has planned; …
Only an Earthen Vessel | Andrew L. Byers Only an Earthen Vessel | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Humility
I am only an earthen vessel / That Jesus may use as He will, …
Resolution | James H. Fillmore I Am Resolved | Palmer Hartsough, 1896 Decision
I am resolved no longer to linger, / Charmed by the world's delight, …
I Will Be Content | Audrey Wilcox I Will Be Content | Audrey Wilcox, 2022 Contentment
I am resolved with all I am, / In whatsoever state I am, …
Resting in Jesus | Barney E. Warren Resting in Jesus | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Rest
I am resting in Jesus, hallelujah! I know / That the blood of atonement makes me whiter than snow; …
Satisfied in Jesus | Clarence E. Hunter Satisfied in Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Satisfaction
I am satisfied in Jesus, / What a sweet soul rest I feel; …
Is He Satisfied with Me? | Grace B. Maxwell Is He Satisfied with Me? | Grace B. Maxwell, 1904 Satisfaction
I am satisfied with Jesus, / But a question comes to me …
I Am Saved and My Heart Is Singing | Harlan D. Sorrell I Am Saved and My Heart Is Singing | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1977 Salvation
I am saved and my heart is singing, oh, there's music in my soul; / Heaven's glory in my soul doth ever chime. …
Jesus Loves Even Me | Philip P. Bliss Jesus Loves Even Me | Philip P. Bliss, 1870 Jesus/Savior
I am so glad that our Father in Heav'n / Tells of His love in the Book He has giv'n; …
What the Savior Hath Said | Barney E. Warren What the Savior Hath Said | Barney E. Warren, 1901 Invitation
I am so glad that the Savior hath said, / "Come unto Me, come unto Me," …
He Included Me | Hampton H. Sewell He Included Me | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1909 Assurance
I am so happy in Christ today, / That I go singing along my way; …
I Am the Door | Harlan D. Sorrell I Am the Door | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1983 Gospel
I am the door; if any man by Me shall enter in, / He shall be saved, and shall go forth a conqu'ror over sin. …
I Am the Vine | Knowles Shaw I Am the Vine | Knowles Shaw, 1877 Abiding
"I am the vine and ye are the branches," / Bear precious fruit for Jesus today; …
I Am Thine | H. R. Jeffrey I Am Thine | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Consecration
I am Thine, dear, blessed Jesus, all Thine, / All of self now to the death I consign; …
I Am Thine (Doane) | William H. Doane Draw Me Nearer (Crosby) | Frances J. Crosby, 1875 Supplication
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, / And it told Thy love to me; …
Will There Be Any Stars? | John R. Sweney Will There Be Any Stars? | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1897 Heaven
I am thinking today of that beautiful land / I shall reach when the sun goeth down; …
Bullinger | Ethelbert W. Bullinger I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus | Frances R. Havergal, 1874 Trust
I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, / Trusting only Thee; …
Closer Walk | American melody Just a Closer Walk with Thee | Anonymous/Unknown Supplication
I am weak, but Thou art strong; / Jesus, keep me from all wrong; …
The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris, 1908 Experience
I believe in the old-time religion, / For it saves from all sin here below, …
Glorious Peace | Daniel O. Teasley Glorious Peace | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Peace
I came defiled and guilty / To Jesus the mighty to save; …
Come Over into Canaan | Andrew L. Byers Come Over into Canaan | Jacob W. Byers, 1906 Sanctification
I came to Jordan's sullen stream; / With trusting heart I there had been …
Norris | John S. Norris Where He Leads Me | Ernest W. Blandy, 1890 Loyalty
I can hear my Savior calling, / I can hear my Savior calling, …
I Cannot Be Idle | William J. Henry I Cannot Be Idle | William J. Henry, 1897 Work
I cannot be idle, for Jesus says, "Go / And work in My harvest today; …
Spencer | Mrs. Lewis. S. Chafer I Cannot Breathe Enough of Thee | William S. Walton, 1906 Devotion
I cannot breathe enough of Thee, / O gentle Breeze of Love; …
His Voice I Hear | Barney E. Warren His Voice I Hear | Jennie Mast, 1907 Assurance
I cannot tell when the thunders peal, / How fiercely the storm may rage, …
Living by Faith | J. L. Heath Living by Faith | James Wells, 1918 Faith
I care not today what the morrow may bring, / If shadow or sunshine or rain, …
Garden | Charles A. Miles In the Garden | Charles A. Miles, 1913 Devotion
I come to the garden alone, / While the dew is still on the roses, …
Ewing | Alexander Ewing I Could Not Do Without Thee | Frances R. Havergal, 1873 Dependence
I could not do without Thee, / O Savior of the lost, …
God Answered Prayer for Me | Ulysses Phillips God Answered Prayer for Me | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Experience
I cried to God for mercy, / When I was lost in sin; …
My Title Clear | Joel A. Erickson My Title Clear | Joel A. Erickson, 2004 Supplication
I do not ask to live a life of ease, / I do not ask for wealth or honor, …
Someday He'll Make It Plain | Adam Geibel Someday He’ll Make It Plain | Lida S. Leech, 1911 Trust
I do not know why oft 'round me / My hopes all shattered seem to be; …
Savior, Lead Me | Clarence E. Hunter Savior, Lead Me | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Guidance
I do not pray that life be spent / On flow'ry beds of ease; …
Magis | Joel A. Erickson I’d Rather Have Jesus | Oscar C. A. Bernadotte, 1888 Jesus/Savior
I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold; / I'd rather be His than have riches untold; …
The Great Judgment Morning (Pickett) | Leander L. Pickett The Great Judgment Morning (Winsett) | Robert E. Winsett The Great Judgment Morning | Bertram H. Shadduck, 1894 Warning
I dreamed that the great judgment morning / Had dawned, and the trumpet had blown; …
Christ Is All | W. A. Williams Christ Is All | Anonymous/Unknown, 1873 Jesus/Savior
I entered once a home of care, / For age and penury were there, …
Come While He Is Calling | Barney E. Warren Come While He Is Calling | Noah H. Byrum, 1897 Invitation
If, dear sinner, you are longing / All those sinful chains to break, …
I Can | Joel A. Erickson I Can | Laura S. Erickson, 2009 Confidence
I feel all a-grumble because it is no fun: / My work is hard, my feet are tired, and I am all undone! …
When Jesus Has Control | Charles H. Gabriel When Jesus Has Control | William C. Poole, 1920 Consecration
I find each day new victory, / When Jesus has control, …
The Last Mile of the Way | William E. Marks The Last Mile of the Way | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1908 Anticipation
If I walk in the pathway of duty, / If I work till the close of the day, …
Selvin | Lowell Mason If, on a Quiet Sea | Augustus M. Toplady, 1772 Faith
If, on a quiet sea, / Toward Heav'n we calmly sail, …
If Your Heart Keeps Right | Bentley D. Ackley If Your Heart Keeps Right | Lizzie DeArmond, 1912 Exhortation
If the dark shadows gather as you go along, / Do not grieve for their coming, sing a cheery song! …
What Would Jesus Do? | Barney E. Warren What Would Jesus Do? | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Exhortation
If the sinful ways of life / You are tempted to pursue, …
Leave It There | Charles A. Tindley Leave It There | Charles A. Tindley, 1916 Trust
If the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold, / And you have to get along with meager fare, …
Faith | Barney E. Warren Faith | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Faith
If thou wilt know the fountain deep / Of sweet unbroken rest, …
Humble Thyself to Walk | W. J. Rodgers Humble Thyself to Walk | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1908 Humility
If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from heaven / Walk by thy side from the morn till the even, …
Win One Every Day | Adam Geibel Win One Every Day | Lida S. Leech, 1917 Missionary
If we are foll'wing Christ each day, / And striving by His might …
We Reap as We Sow | Andrew L. Byers We Reap as We Sow | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Sowing/Reaping
If we shall scatter tares in the fallow, / How shall we hope that they shall not grow? …
Pray till the Answer Comes | Barney E. Warren Pray till the Answer Comes | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Prayer
If ye ask it shall be given, / Not one will Father turn away; …
Fruit-Bearing | Barney E. Warren Fruit-Bearing | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Holiness
If ye then with Christ be risen, / Seek those things which are above; …
McConnelsville | Lelia N. Morris Let Jesus Come into Your Heart | Lelia N. Morris, 1898 Invitation
If you are tired of the load of your sin, / Let Jesus come into your heart; …
Neumark | Georg Neumark If You but Trust in God to Guide You | Georg Neumark, 1641 Trust
If you but trust in God to guide you, / And place your confidence in Him, …
No Parking on the Highway | Joel A. Erickson No Parking on the Highway | Joel A. Erickson, 2006 Steadfastness
If you have started on the heav'nly road / Pay heed to every sign: …
Keep on the Firing Line | American melody Keep on the Firing Line | Bessie F. Hatcher, 1915 Warfare
If you're in the battle for the Lord and right, / Keep on the firing line; …
Will You Meet Him There Tonight? | Ella V. Phillips Will You Meet Him There Tonight? | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Invitation
If your soul is seeking rest, / And you're longing to be blessed, …
God Knows and He Cares | Barney E. Warren God Knows and He Cares | Barney E. Warren, 1923 Comfort
If you should feel sad and dejected, / When no answer comes to your prayers, …
If You Would Be a Pillar | Charles P. Jones If You Would Be a Pillar | William J. Henry, 1907 Exhortation
If you would be a pillar in the church of God, / You must overcome the world, …
Kenosis | Philip P. Bliss I Gave My Life for Thee | Frances R. Havergal, 1858 Crucifixion
I gave My life for thee, / My precious blood I shed, …
Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me | Bentley D. Ackley Mother’s Prayers Have Followed Me | Lizzie DeArmond, 1912 Prayer
I grieved my Lord from day to day, / I scorned His love so full and free, …
I'll Try to Bring One | Andrew L. Byers I’ll Try to Bring One | Lizzie DeArmond, 1923 Salvation
I have a dear Savior, the best Friend I know, / While daily my life-race I run; …
I Have a Friend So Precious | Joseph D. Little My Lord and I | Hubert P. Main My Lord and I | Mary A. Lancaster, 1890 Friendship
I have a Friend so precious, / So very dear to me, …
I Have a Home | Barney E. Warren I Have a Home | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Anticipation
I have a home prepared for me, / A mansion bright across the sea; …
I Have a Hope | Andrew L. Byers I Have a Hope | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Hope
I have a hope, serene and sure, / That anchors past the veil; …
I Am Praying for You | Ira D. Sankey I Am Praying for You | Samuel O. Cluff, 1860 Prayer
I have a Savior, He's pleading in glory, / A dear, loving Savior, though earth friends be few; …
Othello | Edwin O. Excell Since I Have Been Redeemed | Edwin O. Excell, 1884 Praise
I have a song I love to sing, / Since I have been redeemed, …
Within the Rock | Barney E. Warren Within the Rock | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Refuge
I have a sure and safe retreat / To which I always flee, …
My Treasures | Barney E. Warren My Treasures | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Salvation
I have a treasure in my heart / More precious far than gold; …
Assam | Hindustani melody I Have Decided to Follow Jesus | S. Sundar Singh Decision
I have decided to follow Jesus; / I have decided to follow Jesus; …
Joy Unspeakable | Barney E. Warren Joy Unspeakable | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
I have found His grace is all complete, / He supplieth every need; …
Adoration | Daniel O. Teasley Adoration | Clara M. Brooks, 1911 Worship
I have found the joy of God, / In His sacred, blest abode, …
My Surrender | G. E. Wright My Surrender | Gertrude E. Worthington, 1949 Experience
I have given up all to my Savior so dear, / And His praises I ever will sing; …
Where We'll Never Grow Old | James C. Moore Where We’ll Never Grow Old | James C. Moore, 1914 Heaven
I have heard of a land on the faraway strand, / 'Tis a beautiful home of the soul; …
Abiding and Confiding | Leander L. Pickett Abiding and Confiding | Albert B. Simpson, 1891 Abiding
I have learned the wondrous secret / Of abiding in the Lord; …
In the Hollow of His Hand | Barney E. Warren In the Hollow of His Hand | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Loyalty
I have left all sin's dominion, / I'll obey Thy sweet command; …
Thine for Service | Lida S. Leech Thine for Service | Lida S. Leech, 1915 Consecration
I have made my choice to follow Christ each day, / I am Thine for service, Lord; …
He Was Wounded for Me | Ulysses Phillips He Was Wounded for Me | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Crucifixion
I have read in His word how the blessed Savior came / To this world, and He died on the tree; …
It Is True Within My Heart | Barney E. Warren It Is True Within My Heart | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Experience
I have read within the Bible / How a sinner vile and low, …
Make Me Clean | Barney E. Warren Make Me Clean | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Sin
I have wandered in sin, and my soul is defiled, / But I know Jesus died on the tree; …
My Heart Says Amen | Clarence E. Hunter My Heart Says Amen | Charles W. Naylor, 1904 Obedience
I have yielded myself to Thy service, / And Thy presence my bosom doth fill; …
Jesus Makes Me Whole | Barney E. Warren Jesus Makes Me Whole | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Cleansing
I hear celestial music strains / Resounding everywhere; …
'Tis Good to Live in Canaan | Lelia N. Morris ’Tis Good to Live in Canaan | Lelia N. Morris, 1910 Experience
I heard God's voice commanding, "Go up, the land possess," / And trusting in His grace I followed on; …
Waltham | John B. Calkin I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day | Henry W. Longfellow, 1864 Christmas
I heard the bells on Christmas day / Their old familiar carols play; …
Only Thine | Andrew L. Byers Only Thine | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Jesus/Savior
I heard the dear Redeemer say, / In tones of love divine, …
Vox Dilecti | John B. Dykes I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say | Horatius Bonar, 1846 Invitation
I heard the voice of Jesus say, / "Come unto Me and rest; …
I Hear My Savior Saying | James M. Kirk I Hear My Savior Saying | James M. Kirk, 1894 Loyalty
I hear my Savior saying, / "Come closer, My child, to Me"; …
Come to Jesus One and All | H. R. Jeffrey Come to Jesus One and All | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Invitation
I hear the Savior pleading, oh, listen to His call! / The blessed invitation, it reaches unto all: …
All to Christ | John T. Grape Jesus Paid It All | Elvina M. Hall, 1865 Jesus/Savior
I hear the Savior say, / "Thy strength indeed is small; …
Welcome Voice | Lewis Hartsough I Hear Thy Welcome Voice | Lewis Hartsough, 1872 Supplication
I hear Thy welcome voice / That calls me, Lord, to Thee, …
The Half Not Told | Ralph E. Hudson The Half Has Never Yet Been Told | Frances R. Havergal, 1878 Experience
I know I love Thee better, Lord / Than any earthly joy: …
My Father Knows | Edwin O. Excell My Father Knows | Sarepta M. I. Henry, 1897 Faith
I know my heav'nly Father knows / The storms that would my way oppose; …
I Know My Jesus Saves Me | Joseph C. Fisher I Know My Jesus Saves Me | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Salvation
I know my Jesus saves me, / He healed my sin-sick soul; …
I Trust and Wait | William J. Kirkpatrick I Trust and Wait | Frances J. Crosby, 1889 Trust
I know not what a day may bring / Of joy or pain to me; …
He Knows | Philip P. Bliss He Knows | Mary G. Brainard, 1869 Guidance
I know not what awaits me, / God kindly veils mine eyes, …
I Know Not | Charles H. Gabriel I Know Not | I. L. S., 1914 Trust
I know not what lieth before me, / What shadows may fall on my way, …
El Nathan | James McGranahan I Know Whom I Have Believed | Daniel W. Whittle, 1883 Assurance
I know not why God's wondrous grace / To me He hath made known, …
I Know | Andrew L. Byers I Know | Charles W. Naylor, 1919 Assurance
I know on Whom my faith is fixed, / I know in Whom I trust; …
I Know My Savior Lives | Andrew L. Byers I Know My Savior Lives | Mrs. S. E. Donovan, 1918 Confidence
I know that my Redeemer lives / To intercede for me; …
I Know That My Redeemer Lives | George C. Stebbins I Know That My Redeemer Lives | H. A. Merrill, 1879 Confidence
I know that my Redeemer lives, / That He's prepared a home for me, …
'Twas Love That Found Out Me | H. R. Jeffrey ’Twas Love That Found Out Me | Anonymous/Unknown, 1868 Love
I know that my Redeemer lives, / Oh, how He loves! …
Not Made with Hands | Ella V. Phillips Not Made with Hands | Ulysses Phillips, 1949 Heaven
I know this earthly house shall fall, / But on that golden strand …
I'll Follow Jesus | William J. Henry I’ll Follow Jesus | William J. Henry, 1900 Obedience
I'll follow Jesus here, I'll never, never fear, / Though Satan's tempting pow'rs assail; …
I'll Not Be Afraid | William J. Henry I’ll Not Be Afraid | William J. Henry, 1907 Trust
I'll not be afraid for the terror by night, / Nor the arrow that flieth by day; …
Old 113th | Matthäus Greiter Nashville | Anonymous/Unknown I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath | Scripture, 1719 Praise
I'll praise my Maker while I've breath, / And when my voice is lost in death, …
Without Spot and Blameless | Clarence E. Hunter Without Spot and Blameless | William G. Schell, 1897 Holiness
I'll rise at early morning hour, / With first effulgent rays, …
River of Peace | Barney E. Warren River of Peace | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Peace
I'll sing of a river divine, / Its waters from trouble release; …
I've Pitched My Tent in Beulah | Margaret J. Harris I’ve Pitched My Tent in Beulah | Margaret J. Harris, 1908 Sanctification
I long ago left Egypt for the promised land, / I trusted in my Savior, and to His guiding hand; …
I Love Jesus | Bentley D. Ackley I Love Jesus | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1910 Love
I love Jesus, for He saved my soul; / From His cross the tides of mercy roll; …
A Living Sacrifice | Henry C. Clausen A Living Sacrifice | Lucena C. Byrum, 1921 Consecration
I love the Christ, the Son of God, / Who died that I might live; …
I Love the Church of God | Andrew L. Byers I Love the Church of God | Jennie Mast, 1907 Church
I love the church of God, / Structure divine, …
The Church of God | Anna L. Howard The Church of God | A. J. Kilpatrick, 1893 Church
I love the church of God, / The house that Jesus built, …
Praise Him, O My Soul | Barney E. Warren Praise Him, O My Soul | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Praise
I love the dear Redeemer's name, / Praise the Lord, O my soul! …
St. Thomas (Williams) | Aaron Williams I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord | Timothy Dwight, 1800 Church
I love Thy kingdom, Lord, / The place of Thine abode, …
I Love to Serve My Jesus | Elisha A. Hoffman I Love to Serve My Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Satisfaction
I love to serve my Jesus, a priv'lege so sublime, / My life afresh with beauty bright is sparkling all the time; …
What Jesus Is to Me | Barney E. Warren What Jesus Is to Me | Charles E. Orr, 1907 Joy
I love to tell the story, / What Jesus is to me; …
Hankey | William G. Fischer I Love to Tell the Story | Arabella K. Hankey, 1866 Gospel
I love to tell the story of unseen things above, / Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love; …
Like Jesus (Naylor) | Barney E. Warren Like Jesus (Naylor) | Charles W. Naylor, 1903 Loyalty
I love to think of Jesus, when He was here on earth / Upon a kingly mission, though of such humble birth; …
Whitewater | Joel A. Erickson I Love You, Lord—You Heard My Cries | Scripture, 1719 Praise
I love You, Lord—You heard my cries, / And pitied every groan; …
Abiding in Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley Abiding in Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Abiding
I'm abiding in Jesus, what a blessed place! / I am sure He kindly cares for me; …
Skip to My Lou | American melody I’ll Be Obedient, Watch and See | Anonymous/Unknown, 2004 Obedience
I'm asked to help when I want to play, / I'm asked to help when I want to play; …
Nettleton (2) | Asahel Nettleton I’m a Soldier Bound for Glory | William R. Phillips, 1922 Warfare
I'm a soldier bound for glory, / I'm a soldier going home; …
I'm Going On | Andrew L. Byers I’m Going On | Charles W. Naylor, 1918 Decision
I mean to go right on until the crown is won; / I mean to fight the fight of faith till life on earth is done. …
Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley, 1918 Happiness
I'm happy in Jesus and tell it I must, / For He has redeemed me, I know; …
I'm Healed | Daniel O. Teasley I’m Healed | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Healing
I'm healed, oh, hallelujah! / By faith in God alone; …
Hid Away with Jesus (Starcher) | Barney E. Warren Hid Away with Jesus (Starcher) | John F. Starcher, 1897 Refuge
I'm hid away with Christ in God, / Yes, hid away with Jesus; …
Somebody Loves Me | W. F. Crumley Somebody Loves Me | W. F. Crumley Love
I'm in love with my Savior and He's in love with me, / He is with me from day to day, what a friend is He, …
Under His Wings (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Under His Wings (Warren) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Refuge
I'm in the Lord's sacred pavilion; / I rest in the holiest place; …
I'll Not Forget to Pray | Andrew L. Byers I’ll Not Forget to Pray | Mary J. Helphingstine, 1914 Prayer
I'm Jesus' little trusting child, / I need Him every day …
I Can, I Will, I Do Believe | Anonymous/Unknown I Can, I Will, I Do Believe | Anonymous/Unknown, 1886 Decision
I'm kneeling at the mercy seat, / I'm kneeling at the mercy seat, …
St. Denio | Welsh melody Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise | Walter C. Smith, 1876 Praise
Immortal, invisible, God only wise, / In light inaccessible, hid from our eyes, …
Since the Comforter Has Come | James M. Kirk Since the Comforter Has Come | James M. Kirk, 1896 Holy Spirit
I'm never lonely anymore, / Since the Comforter has come; …
Higher Ground | Charles H. Gabriel Higher Ground | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1898 Aspiration
I'm pressing on the upward way, / New heights I'm gaining every day; …
I'm Redeemed | Joseph C. Fisher I’m Redeemed | Joseph C. Fisher, 1884 Salvation
I'm redeemed, I'm redeemed, / From the darkness of the night, …
Redeemed Through the Blood | Barney E. Warren Redeemed Through the Blood | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Blood
I'm redeemed, I will proclaim it, / I'm redeemed by blood divine; …
He Abides | Doc M. Shanks He Abides | Herbert Buffum, 1922 Abiding
I'm rejoicing night and day / As I walk the narrow way, …
Satisfied with Jesus | E. G. Masters Satisfied with Jesus | E. G. Masters, 1897 Satisfaction
I'm satisfied with Jesus, He's everything to me; / He saved my soul from torment, and awful misery; …
Under the Precious Blood | Daniel O. Teasley Under the Precious Blood | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Blood
I'm under the blood of Emanuel's cross, / Happy in Jesus my Lord; …
The Savior with Me | John R. Sweney The Savior with Me | Frances J. Crosby, 1884 Abiding
I must have the Savior with me, / For I dare not go alone, …
Way of the Cross | Charles H. Gabriel The Way of the Cross Leads Home | Jessie B. Pounds, 1906 Consecration
I must needs go home by the way of the cross, / There's no other way but this; …
I Must Not Make This World My Home | Joel A. Erickson I Must Not Make This World My Home | Joel A. Erickson, 2006 Carefulness
I must not make this world my home, / For it shall soon be left behind; …
Orwigsburg | Elisha A. Hoffman I Must Tell Jesus | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1893 Comfort
I must tell Jesus all of my trials, / I cannot bear these burdens alone; …
Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry, 1936 Experience
I'm walking each day by the side of my Lord; / I'm living each hour by faith in His word; …
I Need Thee, Lord | Uriah E. Hallman I Need Thee, Lord | Isabel C. Byrum, 1907 Supplication
In all the way through earth I take, / I need Thee, Lord, I need Thee, …
Meet Mother in the Skies | W. S. Nickle Meet Mother in the Skies | Anonymous/Unknown Invitation
In a lonely churchyard, many miles away, / Lies your dear old mother, 'neath the cold, cold clay; …
We Need Each Other, Brethren! | Angela G. Gellenbeck We Need Each Other, Brethren! | Angela G. Gellenbeck, 1985 Fellowship
In a world filled with vi'lence and hatred, / Everywhere wars and turmoil we see; …
Scatter Sunshine | Edwin O. Excell Scatter Sunshine | Lanta W. Smith, 1892 Happiness
In a world where sorrow / Ever will be known, …
Need | Robert Lowry I Need Thee Every Hour | Annie S. Hawks, 1872 Supplication
I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord; / No tender voice like Thine can peace afford. …
I've Touched the Hem of His Garment | George F. Root I’ve Touched the Hem of His Garment | George F. Root, 1887 Healing
In faith she touched the hem of His garment / As to His side she stole, …
The Stranger of Galilee | Lelia N. Morris The Stranger of Galilee | Lelia N. Morris, 1893 Jesus/Savior
In fancy I stood by the shore, one day, / Of the beautiful murm'ring sea; …
Seasons (Mendelssohn) | Felix Mendelssohn In Heavenly Love Abiding | Anna L. Waring, 1850 Abiding
In heav'nly love abiding, / No change my heart shall fear; …
In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry, 1900 Refuge
In His pavilion hiding, / A refuge I have found, …
Reverena | Daniel O. Teasley In Holy Reverence, Lord | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Worship
In holy rev'rence, Lord, we come / Before Thy throne this hour, …
God's Way Is Always Best | Charles H. Gabriel God’s Way Is Always Best | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1913 Trust
In humble faith at Jesus' feet, / Oh, may I learn a lesson sweet, …
Complete in Christ | Samuel L. Speck Complete in Christ | Samuel L. Speck, 1897 Assurance
In Jesus Christ I am complete, / My soul is cleansed from sin; …
Sweet Rest in Jesus | L. S. Riggs Sweet Rest in Jesus | L. S. Riggs, 1885 Rest
In Jesus I've found a sweet rest / From sorrow, from toil, and from care; …
He Lifted Me | Charles H. Gabriel He Lifted Me | Charles H. Gabriel, 1905 Salvation
In loving-kindness Jesus came, / My soul in mercy to reclaim, …
Near the Cross (2) | William H. Doane Send a Great Revival | Anonymous/Unknown Supplication
In my heart, in my heart, / Send a great revival; …
We Shall Run and Not Be Weary | Barney E. Warren We Shall Run and Not Be Weary | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Encouragement
I now am running in the Christian race, / To gain the promised prize; …
God Leads Us Along | George A. Young God Leads Us Along | George A. Young, 1903 Guidance
In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet, / God leads His dear children along; …
Inside the Door | Ulysses Phillips Inside the Door | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Salvation
Inside the door, O safe retreat, / From stormy winds that fiercely beat, …
The Lord Will Provide [TTBB] | Edmund S. Lorenz The Lord Will Provide | Martha A. Cook, 1870 Trust
In some way or other / The Lord will provide; …
I Walk with the King | Bentley D. Ackley I Walk with the King | James Rowe, 1912 Joy
In sorrow I wandered, my spirit oppressed, / But now I am happy—securely I rest; …
Is Your Name Enrolled in Heaven? | Barney E. Warren Is Your Name Enrolled in Heaven? | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Examination
In that land of rest with its joys untold / Is the Book of Life so fair; …
What I've Found in Jesus | Barney E. Warren What I’ve Found in Jesus | Otto Bolds, 1904 Experience
In the arms of my dear Savior I am resting every day, / And His smiles like sunbeams fall upon my face; …
The Dispensation Day | Barney E. Warren The Dispensation Day | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Church
In the awful age of night, / When the earth was struck with blight, …
Be Ready, All | H. R. Jeffrey Be Ready, All | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Warning
In the awful day that's coming, / When heaven's trump shall sound, …
The Sun Behind the Cloud | Barney E. Warren The Sun Behind the Cloud | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Encouragement
In the Bible Jesus tells us we must suffer for His sake; / Though the world in trouble wears a gloomy shroud, …
Cranham | Gustav T. Holst In the Bleak Midwinter | Christina G. Rossetti, 1872 Christmas
In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, / Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; …
Conscience Stings | Barney E. Warren Conscience Stings | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Warning
In the chambers of thy bosom / Lives a faithful monitor, …
The Church of Christ | Barney E. Warren The Church of Christ | Barney E. Warren, 1888 Church
In the church of Jesus only— / She of heav'nly origin— …
Santa Fe | Andrew L. Byers The Clefted Rock | Nancy Byers, 1893 Refuge
In the clefted Rock I hide, / Savior, let me here abide; …
Rathbun | Ithamar Conkey In the Cross of Christ I Glory | John Bowring, 1825 Crucifixion
In the cross of Christ I glory, / Tow'ring o'er the wrecks of time; …
Morning Worship (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Morning Worship (Warren) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Worship
In the dawning of the morning, / How our hearts with praises swell, …
The Music of God's Word | George C. Stebbins The Music of God’s Word | Flora Kirkland, 1906 Bible/Word
In the deep, deep waves of sorrow, / 'Mid the strong, swift tides of grief, …
Stewardship | Kittie L. Suffield Little Is Much When God Is in It | Kittie L. Suffield, 1924 Work
In the harvest field now ripened / There's a work for all to do; …
The Army of the Lord | Barney E. Warren The Army of the Lord | Barney E. Warren, 1926 Warfare
In the holy army we've enlisted, / Now the banner of the cross we bear; …
Fiery Darts | S. S. Plank Fiery Darts | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Warfare
In the hour of sore temptation I may be, / Yet, amid the trials, Jesus' face I see; …
Fadeless Day | Joel A. Erickson No Night There | Hart P. Danks No Night There | John R. Clements, 1899 Heaven
In the land of fadeless day / Lies the city foursquare; …
Zion's Onward March | Anonymous/Unknown Zion’s Onward March | H. R. Jeffrey, 1897 Zion
In the land of Galilee, / Look! what is it that we see? …
He'll Take You Through | James V. Reid He’ll Take You Through | James V. Reid, 1911 Assurance
In the midst of joy and blessing, / And when all the way seems bright, …
Light Breaks at Last | Daniel O. Teasley Light Breaks at Last | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Light
In the morning of grace, when the Sun first arose, / And the gospel divine put to flight all its foes, …
Give Me Jesus (Anonymous) | African-American melody Give Me Jesus (Anonymous) | Anonymous/Unknown Jesus/Savior
In the morning, when I rise, / In the morning, when I rise, …
The Resurrection Morn | Barney E. Warren The Resurrection Morn | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Resurrection
In the resurrection morning, / When the Savior comes, 'tis said, …
Sweetly Resting | William W. Bentley Sweetly Resting | Mary D. James, 1878 Refuge
In the rifted rock I'm resting, / Safely sheltered I abide; …
The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Refuge
In the shadow of His wings / Doth my heart rejoice, …
In the Shadow of the Cross | Andrew L. Byers In the Shadow of the Cross | William J. Henry, 1900 Refuge
In the shadow of the cross let me hide, / There the Savior for my sins bled and died; …
Sinclair | George F. Root In the Silent Midnight Watches | Arthur C. Coxe, 1842 Invitation
In the silent midnight watches, / Standing at your door, …
Father's Praying Ground | Anonymous/Unknown Father’s Praying Ground | Anonymous/Unknown Prayer
In this modernistic day, / Some have strayed too far away …
Keep Me | Clarence E. Hunter Keep Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Keeping
In this wicked world am I, / Watch Thou o'er me from on high; …
I Have Left All the World to Follow Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley I Have Left All the World to Follow Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley, 1911 Consecration
In this world I found no rest, / Sorrow filled my aching breast, …
May the Christ-Life Shine in Me | George C. Hugg May the Christ-Life Shine in Me | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1900 Supplication
In this world of sin and care, / This shall ever be my prayer: …
River of Zion | Andrew L. Byers River of Zion | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Zion
In thy clear, transparent glow, / Peaceful, cleansing river, …
Holy Place | John D. Brunk In Thy Holy Place | Samuel F. Coffman, 1901 Worship
In Thy holy place we bow, / Perfumes sweet to heaven rise, …
Deeper and Deeper | Osward J. Smith Deeper and Deeper | Oswald J. Smith, 1914 Communion
Into the heart of Jesus / Deeper and deeper I go, …
Jesus Knows | Daniel O. Teasley Jesus Knows | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Encouragement
In your pathway have you found some cruel thorns? / Jesus bore them on His brow, and He knows; …
I'll Never Go Back | Barney E. Warren I’ll Never Go Back | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Loyalty
I once was in bondage in Egypt's dark night, / But Jesus has brought me out into the light; …
Goodbye, Old World, I'm Through | Herbert Buffum Goodbye, Old World, I’m Through | Herbert Buffum, 1924 Consecration
I one time lived in sin and did not know my Lord; / With all the worldly things my heart was in accord; …
I Ought to Love My Savior | Joseph C. Fisher I Ought to Love My Savior | Daniel S. Warner, 1883 Love
I ought to love my Savior, / He loved me long ago, …
Gratitude | Amos F. Herr I Owe the Lord a Morning Song | Amos F. Herr, 1890 Praise
I owe the Lord a morning song / Of gratitude and praise, …
The Angel Choir | Barney E. Warren The Angel Choir | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Meditation
I seem to hear an angel choir / Down from their shining home, …
God Is Calling Thee | Barney E. Warren God Is Calling Thee | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Invitation
Is God calling thee, O guilty sinner?— / Satan has long on thee imposed— …
Ellacombe | Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle I Sing the Mighty Power of God | Isaac Watts, 1715 Praise
I sing the mighty pow'r of God, that made the mountains rise, / That spread the flowing seas abroad, and built the lofty skies. …
The Prince of My Peace | William G. Fischer The Prince of My Peace | Wilbur F. Crafts, 1873 Peace
I stand all bewildered with wonder / And gaze on the ocean of love, …
My Savior's Love | Charles H. Gabriel My Savior’s Love | Charles H. Gabriel, 1905 Love
I stand amazed in the presence / Of Jesus the Nazarene, …
All Your Anxiety | Edward H. Joy All Your Anxiety | Edward H. Joy, 1920 Comfort
Is there a heart o'erbound by sorrow? / Is there a life weighed down by care? …
Balm in Gilead | Barney E. Warren Balm in Gilead | Clara M. Brooks, 1911 Healing
Is there no balm in Gilead, and no physician there, / That people still should languish in sickness and despair? …
Fire in the Soul | Daniel S. Warner Glowing Fire | Andrew L. Byers Fire in the Soul | Daniel S. Warner, 1887 Love
Is the Spirit glowing in thy heart? / Oh, my brother, can you say …
That Verdant Summer Land | Daniel O. Teasley That Verdant Summer Land | Jennie Mast, 1907 Encouragement
Is thy troubled heart oppressed, / Heavy-laden, sick and sore, …
Eternity | Daniel O. Teasley Eternity | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Warning
I stood at the time-beaten portals, / Where many a pilgrim had passed …
I Stood Outside the Gate | Barney E. Warren I Stood Outside the Gate | Josephine Pollard, 1870 Salvation
I stood outside the gate, / A poor way-faring child; …
Make Me a Channel of Blessing | Harper G. Smith Make Me a Channel of Blessing | Harper G. Smith, 1903 Supplication
Is your life a channel of blessing? / Is the love of God flowing through you? …
Carol | Richard S. Willis It Came upon the Midnight Clear | Edmund H. Sears, 1849 Christmas
It came upon the midnight clear, / That glorious song of old, …
One Thing I Can Do | Ora H. Teasley One Thing I Can Do | Ora H. Teasley, 1907 Trust
I thank Thee, Lord, that I can cast / My burdens all on Thee; …
Providence (Freed) | Nathan Freed Tomorrow | Sarah K. Wagner, 2007 Trust
I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast hid / From me tomorrow; …
Shenandoah | American melody I Thank You, Lord | Joel A. Erickson, 2007 Thanksgiving
I thank You, Lord, for such a Savior: / In humbled form so earthy, …
One Step into Canaan | Andrew L. Byers One Step into Canaan | Anonymous/Unknown, 1918 Promise
It is only a step into Canaan, / Then why do you idly stand? …
Will You Have a Crown? | Barney E. Warren Will You Have a Crown? | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Invitation
It is written in the Bible / How the Savior died in love, …
Christ Returneth | James McGranahan Christ Returneth | H. L. Turner, 1878 Anticipation
It may be at morn, when the day is awaking, / When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking, …
If Jesus Goes with Me | Charles A. Miles If Jesus Goes with Me | Charles A. Miles, 1908 Jesus/Savior
It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide; / It may be in the sunshine that I, in peace, abide; …
I Will Do My Part | Andrew L. Byers I Will Do My Part | Charles W. Naylor, 1918 Decision
It may be little that I can do, / Nor may I have much to say, …
Manchester | Carrie E. Rounsefell I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go | Mary Brown, 1891 Consecration
It may not be on the mountain's height, / Or over the stormy sea; …
It Passeth Knowledge | Ira D. Sankey It Passeth Knowledge | Mary Shekleton, 1863 Love
It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine, / My Jesus, Savior!—yet this soul of mine …
My Father Watches Over Me | Charles H. Gabriel My Father Watches Over Me | William C. Martin, 1910 Trust
I trust in God wherever I may be, / Upon the land, or on the rolling sea, …
Alone | Ben H. Price Alone | Ben H. Price, 1914 Suffering
It was alone the Savior prayed / In dark Gethsemane; …
Love Divine | Gerald E. Bonney Love Divine | Gerald E. Bonney, 1922 Love
It was love that sent a Savior / To this world of sin and woe; …
The Promise Is for Me | Clarence E. Hunter The Promise Is for Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Promise
I used to hear the promise, / That Christ would save from sin, …
Just Over in the Glory Land | Emmett S. Dean Just Over in the Glory Land | James W. Acuff, 1906 Anticipation
I've a home prepared where the saints abide, / Just over in the glory land; …
Look and Live | William A. Ogden Look and Live | William A. Ogden, 1887 Invitation
I've a message from the Lord, hallelujah! / This message unto you I'll give, …
Anchored in His Promise | Andrew L. Byers Anchored in His Promise | Charles W. Naylor, 1926 Assurance
I've anchored my soul in God's promise, / Unchanging, unfailing and sure; …
Living Where the Healing Waters Flow | Peter P. Bilhorn Living Where the Healing Waters Flow | Ina D. Ogdon, 1901 Experience
I've cast my heavy burdens down on Canaan's happy shore, / I'm living where the healing waters flow; …
At the Battle's Front | Lelia N. Morris At the Battle’s Front | Lelia N. Morris, 1906 Warfare
I've enlisted for life in the army of the Lord, / Though the fight may be long, and the struggle fierce and hard; …
Jordan | Joel A. Erickson Far, Far on the Other Side | Paul Rader, 1918 Canaan
I've entered the land dearly bought by His blood, / Passed over Jordan, surrendered to God; …
I've Found a Friend in Jesus | Barney E. Warren I’ve Found a Friend in Jesus | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Friendship
I've found a friend in Jesus, / He's come to stay with me; …
Salvationist | William S. Hays The Lily of the Valley | Charles W. Fry, 1881 Jesus/Savior
I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me, / He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul; …
Friend | George C. Stebbins Golden Sheaves | Arthur S. Sullivan I’ve Found a Friend | James G. Small, 1863 Friendship
I've found a Friend, oh, such a friend! / He loved me ere I knew Him; …
Rapture (Scholfield) | Jack P. Scholfield Saved, Saved | Jack P. Scholfield, 1911 Salvation
I've found a Friend, who is all to me, / His love is ever true; …
I've Found a Refuge | Daniel O. Teasley I’ve Found a Refuge | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Refuge
I've found a refuge now from every sorrow, / Joy everlasting and sweet; …
His Yoke Is Easy | Barney E. Warren His Yoke Is Easy | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Experience
I've found my Lord and He is mine, / He won me by His love; …
He Saves to the Uttermost | Charles P. Jones He Saves to the Uttermost | William J. Henry, 1907 Salvation
I've found the Savior who died for man, / He saves to the uttermost; …
Phuket | George C. Stebbins His Praises I Will Sing | Jonathan B. Atchinson, 1891 Praise
I've learned to sing a glad new song / Of praise unto our King! …
Beulah Land | John R. Sweney Beulah Land | Edgar P. Stites, 1876 Sanctification
I've reached the land of corn and wine, / And all its riches freely mine; …
Never Alone | Anonymous/Unknown Never Alone | Anonymous/Unknown, 1892 Assurance
I've seen the lightning flashing, / And heard the thunder roll, …
Wholehearted Service | Andrew L. Byers Wholehearted Service | Charles W. Naylor, 1925 Consecration
I've turned from the world and its follies, / Forever forsaken all sin; …
Two Little Hands | William A. Ogden Two Little Hands | William A. Ogden, 1878 Consecration
I've two little hands to work for Jesus, / One little tongue His praise to tell, …
Lord, I'm Coming Home | William J. Kirkpatrick Lord, I’m Coming Home | William J. Kirkpatrick, 1892 Decision
I've wandered far away from God, / Now I'm coming home; …
Take Up Thy Cross and Follow Me | Alfred H. Ackley Take Up Thy Cross and Follow Me | Alfred H. Ackley, 1922 Consecration
I walked one day along a country road, / And there a stranger journeyed too, …
He Will Care for Me | Andrew L. Byers He Will Care for Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1919 Refuge
I walk today in the Christian way, / Though dangers I may see; …
Sunlight | Winfield S. Weeden Sunlight | Judson W. Van DeVenter, 1897 Light
I wandered in the shades of night, / Till Jesus came to me, …
Gerald | Louis Spohr I Want a Principle Within | Charles Wesley, 1749 Carefulness
I want a principle within / Of *jealous, godly fear, [*watchful] …
Like Jesus (Ulmer) | Oran Williams Like Jesus (Ulmer) | Kate Ulmer, 1899 Loyalty
I want to be like Jesus, / I want to heed His Word, …
The Jewels for Me | Joel A. Erickson The Jewels for Me | Laura S. Erickson, 2009 Decision
I want to be pretty, I want to be smart, / But Jesus is looking at things in my heart. …
A Child's Song of Heaven | Martha Nighswander A Child’s Song of Heaven | Martha Nighswander, 1998 Heaven
I want to go to Heaven, that Home so bright and fair; / So beautiful, and—best of all—Dear Jesus will be there! …
Looking for Me | William J. Kirkpatrick Looking for Me | Anna C. Storey, 1887 Experience
I was a captive, but mercy released me, / I was in darkness, but now I can see; …
Running Over with Joy | Joel A. Erickson Running Over with Joy | Joel A. Erickson, 2005 Joy
I was bound by sin and evil / From which there seemed no retrieval— …
Little Feet, Be Careful | James H. Rosecrans Little Feet, Be Careful | Lucinda M. Bateman, 1886 Carefulness
I washed my hands this morning / So very clean and white, …
I've Moved | Joseph L. Hall I’ve Moved | James B. Mackay, 1921 Experience
I was living down in Egypt, / Afar from Canaan land, …
He's a Wonderful Savior to Me | Blanche K. Brock He’s a Wonderful Savior to Me | Virgil P. Brock, 1918 Jesus/Savior
I was lost in sin, but Jesus rescued me, / He's a wonderful Savior to me; …
A Sinner Like Me | Charles J. Butler A Sinner Like Me | Charles J. Butler, 1881 Salvation
I was once far away from the Savior, / As vile as a sinner could be, …
Love Lifted Me | Howard E. Smith Love Lifted Me | James Rowe, 1912 Love
I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, / Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more, …
Lawson | James L. Elginburg I Will Follow Thee (Elginburg) | James L. Elginburg, 1871 Loyalty
I will follow Thee, my Savior, / Wheresoe'er my lot may be; …
The Eastern Gate | Isaiah G. Martin The Eastern Gate | Isaiah G. Martin, 1905 Anticipation
I will meet you in the morning, / Just inside the Eastern Gate; …
Farewell to Sin | Barney E. Warren Farewell to Sin | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Salvation
I will part with thee, old master; / This is my firm resolve; …
There Is Joy in the Lord | Barney E. Warren There Is Joy in the Lord | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
I will sing, hallelujah, for there's joy in the Lord, / And He fills my heart with rapture as I rest on His Word; …
My Redeemer | James McGranahan Hyfrydol (4) | Rowland H. Prichard My Redeemer | Philip P. Bliss, 1876 Jesus/Savior
I will sing of my Redeemer, / And His wondrous love to me; …
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Peter P. Bilhorn I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Francis H. Rowley, 1886 Salvation
I will sing the wondrous story / Of the Christ Who died for me; …
Home of the Soul | Philip Phillips Home of the Soul (Gates) | Ellen H. Gates, 1865 Heaven
I will sing you a song of that beautiful land, / The faraway home of the soul, …
I Will Trust Thee | Clarence E. Hunter I Will Trust Thee | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Trust
I will trust Thee, O my Father, / For Thy love shall never fail; …
I Would Be Closer to Thee | Barney E. Warren I Would Be Closer to Thee | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Supplication
I would be closer, my Savior, / Yes, closer to Thee each day, …
Draw Me Close to Thee | W. H. Oldham Draw Me Close to Thee | Clara M. Brooks, 1911 Supplication
I would be nearer, my Savior, / Where I can hear Thy voice …
Peek | Joseph Y. Peek I Would Be True | Howard A. Walter, 1906 Loyalty
I would be true, for there are those who trust me; / I would be pure, for there are those who care; …
I Would Love Thee | Anonymous/Unknown I Would Love Thee | Jeanne Guyon, 1856 Supplication
I would love Thee, God and Father, / My Redeemer, and my King; …
What I Would Not Be | Charles H. Gabriel What I Would Not Be | William Appel, 1893 Watchfulness
I would not be a fruitless tree, / With fol'age o'er and o'er, …
Stepping Stones | George J. Ferreira Stepping Stones | Anonymous/Unknown, 1901 Consecration
I would not have my life go on, / A level stretch, from sun to sun, …
I Would Not Have My Way | Andrew L. Byers I Would Not Have My Way | Mrs. W. H. Olinger, 1936 Consecration
I would not have my way, dear Lord, but Thine; / I would not walk alone, for I might fall: …
Lord, Take the First Place | Barney E. Warren Lord, Take the First Place | Barney E. Warren, 1925 Consecration
I yield to Thee, Savior, forsaking my all, / From sinful things now I will part; …